Higby wants to know #1 complaint about vehicle/weapon balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rockit, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. GantryPengy380

  2. manson970

    SOE plz increase the rate of fire for tr we are professional military, but we dont feel like it. We need more daka daka this is TR trait ( terran republic will have highest rate of fire lmg's and carbines with biggest magazines) that's what you SOE were saying about faction before the game lunch, fighting VS with their Orion or SVA-88 wow those are god guns so good, so once more TR NEEDS RATE OF FIRE INCREASE .
  3. Alarox

    Because you're not ignorant of C4 based on your character.

    Also, for some reason my post got removed for insulting you... when all I said was that you are not ignorant. What?
  4. Carrias

    People camping and firing from spawn rooms.
    AV Mana Turret Range and not rendering.
    Fire rate of Dalton
    Time it takes to place C4 compared with dropping mines
    Whilst standing on a moving vehicle dropping C4 it doesn't gain momentum and hence falls off.
    The missing weapons in the game. Example NC Razor and ACX11 do the same job long range shooting yet we have no NC carbine between the Mercenary and the GD-7F The fact the GD-7F is a TR clone is also a problem and not factional. Place the Razor or ACX11 in this gap and give the VS and TR a long range option.
    Cost of a Flash Why so much? 30 resource is enough maybe 50 if it carries a weapon.
    Cap points in the open so aircraft can shell you to prevent capping.
    Any where a tank can fire into a cap point.
    No ability to take a vehicle back to a main building and rebuild it.
  5. Canuk

    Game would be about 100000000x better with no rocket primary ******* running around. More and more new people or people who cannot aim have moved to the noobtube..and it is ruining the game for me.
  6. BillBoBaggins

    SMG infils
    AV MANA turrets
    Vanguard shield
  7. PraiseTheSpandex

    I dunno, lemme check my death logs. Whatever's killing me all the time definitely needs to be nerfed.

    What's that, I'm not doing it right? Okay, well -- look, I'm tired, I'm at work -- just take the above sentence, mis-spell it and CTRL+C, CTRL+V it a dozen times. There we go.
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  8. PWGuy93

    Ground vehicles have deterrents as opposed to air vehicles which have speed, maneuverability, range and serious weapons.

    Ranger, Walker, Striker, Annihilator, Skyguard - at least ONE of them should utterly destroy Air and not be labeled a deterrent.

    Hovering by any form of air should mean insta death by at least one ground based weapon.
  9. Chubzdoomer

    Mana Turret projectiles not rendering.

    That is all.
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  10. Sovereign533

    I would say,
    - Strikers
    - Prowler Vulcans (Not Harasser Vulcans)
    - Engineer AV MANA turret
    - Harassers
    - Phoenix could use the option to invert up and down independent from aircraft
    - Duster
    - Vanguard Canister