Higby twitter: head hit boxes way too large atm....

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ISKNausicaa, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. ISKNausicaa

  2. Hosp

    I was getting plinked alot last night, and not by snipers. Could well be.
  3. ISKNausicaa

    I had made a few shots last night I'm sure sould have missed but seemed to catch a headshot, I had put it down to latency.
  4. Pizzasaurus


    they are larger to sides, up and down looks fine
  5. Dv2R

    Go to VR training, you can safely hit someone in the head from hitting the air to the sides of them right now. It won't really effect snipers much since most headshots should mostly be on a centred target.
  6. BloodyG

    Only the head or other hitbox's aswell?
    Hit today 2 people straight in the face in cqc with a BASR and both were only counted as bodyshot's, somthing feels strange.
  7. Deteno

    I knew it was too good to be true. XD I've been decimating people with an Anti-Infantry MAX getting pretty reliable headshot kills. I thought I had just suddenly gotten better. :B
  8. Moisture

    I do not snipe really ever myself but long range headshots seem to be more common in this game then any other FPS I have ever played aside from the Halo series.
    And given the ranges that are considered long in this game that is impressive. It seems to be routinely easy for very many people.
    I think something is strange, I suppose It would be the hitboxs
  9. asdfPanda

    Yeah, they definitely feel bigger side to side. I've been making headshots on sprinting targets with the RAMS.50M I was sure that I'd never make.
  10. Chazt

    I don't really find larger hitboxes a problem and haven't really noticed it. It isn't like I am getting a headshot from shooting a guy in the chest or anything. I feel like I am going to have to relearn how to aim again...
  11. Zagareth

    Well, I only aim for heads and that over 200m+ (just a few at lower range) and get an overall 56% accuracy, which seems to be quite average for snipers.
    For every 1% they make the hitbox smaller, my accuracy would get lowered by 0.56% - you can calculate on your own how a change would affect us...
  12. Hoki

    Seems fine to me when sniping.

    Maybe for bullet hoses, ARs, SMGs, Carbines seem to have a 'gimme' radius.

    Gimme radius = somewhat close to the head? Good enough.
  13. JudgeNu

    I think the raised the lower part of the head HB with the last GU, I guess they increased the width of it.
    I still haven't trained myself to always aim for the head after all these years (except for sniping) so I wouldn't be able to comment much by experience.
  14. Polskija

    Well, with Parallax it has always been easy enough to just point for the tip of the head and get a headshot. Getting more OHK's now though, so maybe there is a seed of truth here.