Higby plans to focus on quality of life after GU09

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ultimatestormer, May 14, 2013.

  1. Alpharius111

    My top 3 favorite bugs:
    - crash on redeploy
    - crash on entering\spawning a vehicle
    - crash on changing seats in a vehicle
  2. Fenrisk

    Quality of life..... right...

    Player housing
    In game Marriage
    MOAR Hats
    Even more hats!

    Update 10 the MMORPG update!
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  3. huller

    I would also like them to display on the killboard what class you killed and what class the other guy used to kill you, nothing special about a "chainblade" kill, but if that is a MAX you knifed it suddenly is a whole lot more spectacular.

    Also, don't make K/D show up as "that l33t stat for pro MLG gamahz", please stop rubbing it in our faces, nobody likes it. remove it from the stat page if possible at all;
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  4. Zarth

    Game stops responding for me after 30 minutes of gameplay. Also team killing is just kinda stupid in this game at times. Seriously it's F2P and people don't give a **** about others at times. "Oh I killed a teammate? Oh well."
  5. Kupcake


    Replace NC PS2 music with NC PS1 music.
  6. ItchySox

    I'll settle for a houseboat in Sausalito. :cool:
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  7. MasonSTL

    Quality of Life??! Higby I drink Bushmills! thanx ;)
  8. Lazaruz


    VR area loadout wipe bug.
    Double/triple loading screen.


    Add deployed mines etc. in the UI.
    Add a 4th loadout slot.

    These are the few simple things I would like to see fixed/added in the "quality of life" update.
  9. Chioxin

  10. LGhost1904

    Fix the Max Bursters so that the hits register all the time...
  11. Bankrotas

    I'll take that house with BFR in it.
  12. Chioxin

    -Sometimes when I spawn as a heavy, my main weapon and rocket launcher jitter. If i ADS, the reticle disappears and the gun won't line up to let me ADS. So I'm firing blind. It's horrible. Current workaround is going to an inventory station, swapping to another class, and then swapping back. Resupply doesn't work.

    -Lancer, tired of it charging to 1 and forcing me to fire to fix this. So many missed opportunities I had due to this.

    -Repairing vehicles, it would be nice if it's based on collision or something. Right now it just seems random. Sunderer's are weird, some times I can repair it and some times I can't. Gotta move around.

    -Map, the ability to right click on my mini map to set waypoints!!!

    -Liberators, a mini camera window that gives me the view angle of my belly gun and what it's looking at.
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  13. pucwyczes

    - The most important is server lag, sometimes it gets bad on Indar, reporting via Support button is not helping, even with guys on teamspeak it's not enough.
    - Ping limit for those 300ms+ players that can ruin my day.
    - Option to check if there are any gms online, something like /gmlist command, they do announce their presence anyway, so cheaters won't gain anything from it. But when I'm busy playing, I don't read big red crap covering half of my screen.
    - I know devs think it's important that game looks nice etc. but we should be able to turn off decals, camos, custom things that can increase lag / decrease fps.
    - Fog on graphicsquality 3-5, advantage of setting graphics quality to 3 right now is only increasing view range in HS/NV Scope, NV on vehicles, Thermal on vehicles. For me it's very important, thats why I stopped playing HA, gq 3 also decreases my fps by 15 average, add spikes, fog is not helping at night when fighting vanu and people with dark camos. Playing with graphicsquality 3 gives me more disadvantages than qraphicsquality 1, I wish we have some more "graphics" options, break down differences between Gq 1 and 3 and you have clear picture what I'm talking about in matter of competitive gameplay.
    - Alot of small bugs people are complaining about, everyone experienced most of them and alot just ignore them.
    - You made Phoenix so it won't be able to go through corridors, tight turns etc, yet Striker is doing multiple 360s when it come down to hit my airplane.
  14. Virulent0o

  15. m44v

    • Pressing E while hacking resets the hacking progress and starts again from zero.
    • You can't lay mines while sprinting.
    • choosing a loadout takes too many clicks.
    • Don't make every time I hit a tree branch with my ESF instant death
    • Better warnings about incoming lock-ons (how close is the missile? where is coming from? is it G2A or A2A?)
  16. Rown

    Fix mob AI. It's terrible.
  17. Xhaleon

    Definitely the crash on respawn / redeploy bug, that's the most important at the immediate moment. Its eased up for me recently, but its still a sword hanging over my head. That one is common enough for a good number of people to qualify as not just some outlier problem that only a few people get.
  18. DrStrangeLug

    There's a couple of easy peasy fixes in the character selection screen :
    1. Double clicking a character should log in that character.
    2. Pressing enter should log in the currently selected character.
    In game.
    1. Can we have a "Spawn at Warp Gate" button. It's annoying to respawn and then have to redeploy just so you can go and get another aircraft. Wastes valuable seconds.
    2. Let us swap vehicle load-outs .
    3. Let us swap vehicle load-outs
    4. Let us swap vehicle load-outs
  19. biterwylie

    1) Fix Decals on Vanguard Tank!

    2) Decrease the noise of Light Assualt jet pack. The constant blasting is noise pollution of the worst kind. It makes them really obnoxious, I love to shoot them in the face when they pollute my battle zone. Flying round the map farting. FART FART FART FART. Enough already!

    3) Bring back single use Camo - I spend 1250 SC on single use camos! Thats 25 camos! Now I can only get 2 camo schemes for the same price! RIP OFF!
  20. Syphers

    -MAX deadzone
    -Invisible spawn bug after hacking an occupied turret
    -Additional loadouts and shortcut keys
    -The capacity to carry at least 1 medpack with explosives
    -Ammo bandolier could be moved to the grenade cert slot or another category altogether, having a mere 180 bullets for my carbine can piss me off in my lonewolf fights. It wouldn't matter in a restricted game like BF but not in this one.
    -Reaver nosegun offset
    -Implants that will nullify the ridiculous vehicles radars
    -Repeater pistols for VS and NC
    -Medpacks dont' work sometimes HP goes back down
    -Remove the lights on the AP mines, improve the TR claymores instead, turn the lasers into something less obvious, decrease the size lower the height
    -Some love for the NCs and TRs camos-armor pattern just like overhaul that the VS got
    -Second knife slash not registering even on immobile targets