Higby fiddled while Mattherson burned

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pat Cleburne, Jul 10, 2013.

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  1. Giggily

  2. Phrygen

    Vindicators, NNG, AT, DA, and TEST are all difficult opponents when they get together.
  3. Phrygen

    You took a picture of the SOE forums forcing a twitch page link to be turned into a media link, even though the page is a link to a list of videos. Oh yea, you sure got me. The link is fixed anyway. I expect more from something awful trolls:rolleyes:
  4. KlyptoK

    I hate how twitch doesn't work right on the forums.
  5. Phrygen

  6. Pat Cleburne

    GOKU 's "dunk" is not impressive at all though. Look at the population in the hex. TR didnt even have 25%. VS had over 50. Pretty standard numbers anytime GOKU manages to win a battle.
  7. Phrygen

    eh. A wins a win.
  8. footjam

    I am at work and getting a broadcast no longer available message.

    Can you link me to where I can look at all the "not-deleted" streams from the end of May. I can watch Twitch but not Justin. I have seen the original stream of us leading TE around Snake Ravine and crushing them as they repeatedly blind charged up a hill but then it was gone when I went back to watch it again.
  9. Giggily

    Oh ****, Patty is here too. The plot thickens.

    I like how despite recording the game pretty much 24/7 he has like 10 videos on his channel. Nope, none are deleted or removed. It's ALL there.
  10. DG-MOD-02

    I am closing this down as it is not constructive. Please be respectful and constructive when posting on these forums.
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