Higby and Spencley201 perfectly summed up my opinion of the Lasher.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StormStrafe, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Marked4Death

    Not sad enough to bookmark every kill streak video to win forumside, but here's the first thing that springs to mind:

    Note he has a basic carbine to defend himself 1v1, so is fine carrying this thing around all day every day.

    Now please post your video of the lasher user surviving in the consecutive 1v1 battles he will routinely face when carrying it around hoping for groups of tightly clumped infantry that don't fire back.
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  2. StormStrafe

    You're saying that video shows something that's just as effective as this?

    There's no hope in this discussion then.

    The end of your video shows the one equipped with the under-barrel grenade launcher getting owned despite having your lauded carbine at his/her disposal. So you've rendered your own argument moot.
  3. Takoita

    In all these example videos the opposition somehow fail to notice very obvious video/audio cues of a player camping them from above. If there were any people at all returning fire at the user, they would have to pack shop and leave within 5 seconds tops or die.
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  4. PaperPlanes

    You're a moron. I know exactly how to use it, I use it a lot. It has shortcomings which are obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which does not include you ;)

    By the way, your 1.11 K/D ratio kinda tells me you don't actually have any clue how to do infantry combat of ANY SORT, let alone with the Lasher. I don't normally bring up stats...but you clearly die. A lot. Why should I take you remotely seriously on this subject when you can't even kill at least 2 players per life? Your most played class is Engineer and your most used vehicle is a Sundy. You are not a combat player, that's for sure, so stop trying to pretend to be one.
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  5. Marked4Death

    Dude, I agree that video shows a very solid kill streak, and he does indeed kill people faster than he would with a UBGL, and possibly than with rockets. So we agree there.

    I think it goes without saying that any competent player near that incident would have returned fire and either killed this guy or wounded enough him to make him move on, and this situation (tightly clumped sheep not returning fire) is quite rare. I've honestly not seen it in many days of playing.

    My points are:
    1. If the player saw this opportunity without his lasher, by the time he redeployed, re-equiped and returned, the fight would have moved on. So we can only assume a lasher user can enjoy these situations by carrying his lasher day in / day out.
    2. A player carrying a lasher day in / day out is going to die many many times more than he would with a simple LMG (or an MGC or JH) due to the far longer TTK with it in 1v1, 1v2 (routine) situations.

    I'm hoping my point is really clear now. The Lasher user can get good streaks, but at the cost of far worse performance 95+% of the time.

    The alternative is to carry an LMG / shotgun or anything more appropriate for 95% of the time, do far better most of the time, then when you do one day come across a group of tightly clumped sheep, simply rocket & nade them, for almost as many kills as you would have gotten with a lasher.
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  6. Gary

    <---Spencley201 / Gary / Spencley (if you are on woodmanEU) :D

    Whilst it is a great gun, it is situational and is truly great in some situations others it is a useless weapon, That can be said for almost all weapons in the game though...
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  7. StormStrafe

    That's a good post and I thank you for taking the time to make it.

    Currently, this topic is a bear trap just waiting for someone to step into and I'm simply trying to change public opinion about it so that when someone on these forums wants to mention how much they enjoy the Lasher, they can do so without getting flamed.

    I hope people don't see this as a nerf thread because I want more people to enjoy the Lasher. In fact, I am quite certain that I've never called anything OP on these forums. Can someone check my post history? It would be nice to confirm that.
  8. StormStrafe

    Haha, there we have it from the man himself. Maybe we can call this /thread now?
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  9. VKhaun

    Logically you are clearly wrong and have not put up an argument, and instead of that argument you've put up obviously bad interpretations of stats on a character of the wrong faction lol. Your opinion is meaningless, your credit is annihilated, and my point stands.

    Good day sir.

    Good God Lemon...

    You're a vehicle snob with less than a third of your kills from guns and fewer lasher kills than I have, at TRIPLE MY VS'S BR... what were you THINKING bringing stats and experience into this?

    Your infantry weapon kills all added up don't even surpass your rocket pod kills alone... :eek:

    Oh man... thank you so much for this laugh. I just got off a 12hr night shift and nothing could have made my morning better than this right here... Some guy going back and forth between the tank zerg and ESF rocket pod farming and never playing infantry, came to the forums to call me out about a core infantry area denial weapon, that he doesn't even use. I need to save screenshots of this for posterity.
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  10. Takoita

    I think that HA specials need to be elegible for the 'tool' slot. Then, with the new flexibilty in mind, weapon stats tweaks should be applied.
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  11. FnkyTwn

    Always be careful when Higby uses the word 'statistics'. One day stats will tell him that
    the Prowler only does slightly worse than the Magrider, and the next they'll tell him that
    the Magrider is grossly overpowered and needs a nerf. << This happened

    He's probably right that of the ESHA weapons, the Lasher probably gets used the most
    and 'statistically' does better than the other ESHA weapons, but that's only because
    they all pretty much suck, but the Lasher shines in one specific niche situation.

    Somebody needs to make a video of a Mini-Chaingun user camping the perfect doorway
    with an engi feeding him ammo and of the Jackhammer being used to prop open a door,
    or opening a can of beans. In PS1 i had a locker full of confiscated Jackhammers because
    they were amazing weapons. In PS2 it's a terrible shotgun and its dumb that they haven't
    bothered to make it (or the Chaingun) stand out more.

    So yeah, since one of the ESHA weapons works slightly, the best thing to do is to nerf
    it hard, and at the same time buff the other two ESHA weapons. Seems about right, also
    the Vanu can never be right in any balance argument again, because the Magrider exists.
    (ignore the Prowler)

    Lancer: That Spencley201 guy is an absolute moron. When he made that post the Lancer
    was brand new and completely broken. He must have been talking about the Lancer that
    Higby previewed and not the one that was released. They grouped the 3 shots into one
    graphic now, so now you just don't know when 2 of the 3 charges has missed at 100m..
    seems about right. The Lancer is terrible and it'll need another buff before anybody buys it.
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  12. Cyridius

    Not really. I'd like to see you cover half the Bio Lab from your spawn room with a Shotgun.
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  13. StormStrafe

    :eek: The Lasher discussion just took a back seat to VKhaun utterly destroying Paperplanes above with the forum equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Seriously, I don't even want to talk about the Lasher now. Have you ever seen such a badass reply?
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  14. Bl4ckVoid

    Where do you find so many blind people? If I tried that, I would be shot within 15 secs.
  15. FnkyTwn

    That video was from early December, when the game was only two weeks
    live, so people probably didn't exactly know what was going on at the time.

    These days you'd quickly catch a Phoenix in the face.
  16. Cyridius


    You obviously have no notion of infantry combat(Or really combat in general) if you think a "poor" KDR is a sign of any sort of skill of any sort. There are hundreds of players in each battle, all able to employ dozens of methods which can kill you, involving a literally incomprehensible amount of scenarios in which you will inevitably end up dead regardless of your actions. Had you any grasp on PlanetSide2's gameplay you would know that.

    You're obviously incapable of understanding PlanetSide2's fundamental gameplay mechanics, and if you can't do that then you don't have a voice on this subject. Or rather you do, but it's the voice of a slack-jawed yokel trying to talk smart-person speak.

    EDIT: Oh wait, rofl
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  17. Arquin

    Damn straight.

    See how he totally burned that guy?

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  18. Shockwave44

    You're done. He proved what could be done with a grenade launcher like you asked. He could have cut the part out when he was killed at the end but he didn't. How do we know no one sniped the lasher user in the face before that video ended? I can't believe your entire argument rests on that one insignificant little detail.

    There are more phoenix videos within one day that those types of lasher videos since the game has been out. Are you being paid to say the lasher is god's gift to the VS?
  19. StormStrafe

    You obviously haven't been following this thread. At all. You're done; now go away.
  20. ScourgeOfTheServer

    The Lasher obviously "does best statistically by the top players, by far", as Higby says. The problem is that this is a cherry picked stat, as good players will pull Lashers in the very rare occasions that they are useful. So what we are comparing is a special heavy weapon with almost no use, against two that have absolutely no use.

    You are not going to convince VS that the Lasher is good, or should be used more. Because while it is clearly the best of the three special heavy weapons, it has a inferior TTK to that of the Beamer pistol.

    As someone who loved the uniqueness that the three empires had in the original Planetside, I am extremely disappointed by the state of all three special heavy weapons. The MCG, Jackhammer, and Lasher were a huge part of the identity of the three factions in the original game. In this one, they are curiosities that have no place in this game dominated by LMGs.
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