Hey, why not let players tweak bases in real time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DailyFrankPeter, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. DailyFrankPeter

    This got inspired partly by the following "bases are soooo bad" thread:
    and what Matt Higby has said about buildable bases. There was also a thread about engineer-deployable shields
    (like in BF2142).

    So... why not combine all this, since the devs are already planning something like that, and enable engies to build some barricades... and I don't mean 1 tiny 1x2m screen with a short cooldown (although a riot shield would be cool) but some chunky steel wall sections (with gunslots) or dome shields, perhaps a few per each engie, that would not time out before the attackers even arrive.

    The idea is to tighten defendability of bases, while requiring organised player preparation to do it. As it stands, once the attacker gets in (which is easy TBH) the defending forces are mostly screwed by their own base design (you know the list):
    - they get shot/shelled/bombed on the way from a spawn to terminals
    - any narrow alley might contain a camping tank (amp stations)
    - an enemy tank may drive in right into the tower main bay (towers)
    - turrets have blindspots and campangles which a lot of players already know to utilise (quoted after the thread linked above)
    - an amp station wall is straight and open as a motorway, an attacker can jump up there and just sweep defenders without letting the trigger off
    - bases overall contain no surprises for the attackers, defenders on the other hand can be surprised from every side

    What do you think? I would particularly like the answer in the light of Matt Higby's buildable bases idea (forget about which class builds it and for what resources for now).
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  2. CronN

    +1 I hate defences as they are right now. It's far too easy to capture stuff.
  3. KraggTheGrim

    I like the idea. I would say that any class could erect a defensive position, but only engineers or a new class would be able to build quality fortification.

    Every trooper knows how to stack sandbags, or move crates to make a shield for themselves and their friends, but that should be the extent of what they can do. Engineers could do the same, but also have the option of erecting shields, or steel plates. While going outside your scope of the project I might suggest a new class as well "Siege Specialist" This class would be able to erect the heaviest of defenses, and like wise be able to erect the heaviest of all siege equipment when trying to take down an enemy base.
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  4. DailyFrankPeter

    ...or a power-loader MAX. Yeah!