Hey PS2 community, Look to PS1, learn from it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Walking Shark, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Walking Shark

    Edited down to save time:

    1) ESFs are to PS2 what BFRs were to PS1. Blatantly, obviously overpowered, don't require teamwork, when one shows up you better be in one or you're meat for the beast. Also, developers seem completely determined to stick to their guns and not make changes to them even though they are ruining the game and driving away players.
    2) Instant action timers need to be massively reduced. In PS1 one of the great things about the game is that you could go somewhere, start a fight, and the resulting hotspot would draw in tons of instant action players from both involved sides. Within minutes you'd have massive battles raging.
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  2. Morpholine

    Or one scattermax reaping a monster kill streak.
  3. badname02

    If they all stand around the Scattermax in close promixity; then yes.
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  4. MilitiaMan

    That was more of either stupid people fighting it or them using the CoF hack, the Scat didn't do all the nice things the kill spam was always saying.
  5. Morpholine

    Standard procedure for NC spawnfarmers in PS1 was: find an enemy tower in the middle of nowhere, pull a scatter max, take out one of the two spawn tubes, initiate a hotspot, reap tons of kills of instant-action people spawning in.
  6. badname02

    Ah sorry I totally misunderstood you man ;) I thought you were talking about the PS2 version =p
  7. Walking Shark

    You couldn't do that after they put pain fields in the base of the towers though.
  8. Brok9000

    The mighty PS2 devs laugh at PS1. Nothing can be learned from that old POS that lasted years and years, half teh people here played it and loved it... no no no, it is crap. The devs know best, you just suck at PS2.
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  9. Tuco

    Hey PS2 community, Look to PS1, learn from it

    Yeah we need to troll harder.
  10. Nikushimi

    There was nothing wrong with BFR's after the nerf (well outside of the NC GBFR's particle cannon, that some how managed to evade any form of nerf)

    One EMP and a deci to the engine hit-location was all that was required to cripple them
  11. Walking Shark

    And there will be nothing wrong with ESFs after the nerf.
    Except just like BFRs, they'll have done their damage to the player population already.
  12. Deamian

    Ok i'll explain this planetside 2 game to you, "edited down to save time" When an ESF show's up, or a Tank for that matter, or 20 infantry.. really the point is easily made in any situation, Look around you, are you alone? solo? if the answer is yes.. why in the ever loving hell are you alone, this is a team game.
  13. Jaggedmallard26

    Often a half decent ESF pilot with rocketpods can find a large group let off one salvo of rockets get a few kills and retreat before anyone even notices it. A good tanker can decimate infantry with ease and even if he is taken out the damage is done and the rest of his team will probably follow.
  14. Bill Hicks

    only fools get killed by maxes