[Suggestion] hey new rule; Liberators aren't allowed during locked maps. *everyones likes that*

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. AuricStarSand

    Lib just killed my ants trecking 10k cort, to help my NC team start the Ascent farm. during a locked map.

    He killed my teamates ant, some allied lightnings, & sunderers. He has a bounty.
    I said " Why are you playing lib during low pop hours? "

    A ally did chase him off with a esf. Still; I've heard of other people speak of this issue. Nobody likes Libs for 1-12 or 12-24 regions. So why would they like Libs for locked maps.

    Simple solution; don't allow libs for locked maps / low pop hours.
    If these 2 troll dudes want to Lib; they can wait 30 minutes or one hour;
    instead of lowering the pop with lib troll tactics.
    *Libs now banned until the map opens*

    Verse people of the afternoon hours who just want to infantry farm.
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  2. Aris12

    I do this all the time with a Vanguard. I'm sure you remember this from the times when you were on Connery.
    You know when I don't do this? When the enemy brings their own armor to the mix.
    Your team can solve the Liberator problem by bringing their own air to the mix.

    Not a fan of this at all.
    I hold grudges against Liberator mains (because I need to radically change loadouts as a result of their presence), and even then, I wouldn't propose anything like this.

    That powerlessness that you convey in the post, other players experience when construction players block roads. Not much we can do about it if the silo is locked. At least, a pesky Liberator you can deal with a Skyguard or an MBT with Ranger. If you happen to be good with ESF, you can deal with the Liberator directly then. Or you could pull your own Liberator and CAS Tank Bust them. There is no need to ban Liberators. Moral of the story, everyone has hatred for their counter.

    I suspect skill issues here.
    The people who hate me the most for being a Vanguard main have figured out how to deal with me: They are all A2G ESF/LA bailer mains. Find the trick to deal with those Liberators.
  3. AuricStarSand

    The difference is a MBT isn't able to shoot my ant at all, from the Ascent.
    If I'm lugging cortium to the hill north of Rockslide. A Lib is.

    " Just do ____, to deal with ____ . "

    I mean I'm ant'ing at the time, so I'm not in a Skyguard or ESF, nor want to switch to these.
    Making him delay my time, to setup a router, even more than he already has.

    Not to mention the Ascent mountains would give him enough cover,
    to escape most lockons and flak. So then theirs just a ESF & you may not want to fly at all.

    " skill issue " is a term suggestively used for peak hours, not when most of my team is BR 40 medics.

    A blocked road? I haven't ran into that issue for months.
    The last guy who blocked a road, I just used a medium anvil for ant, & went on my merry way.

    Ban Libs? For locked maps. Not unlocked maps. So not truly a ban? Less you want to Dalton a ton of 1-12 infantry regions. Who just want to farm infantry, while most vets aren't online to deal with the Lib.

    To be honest, I'd ban Magriders for locked maps too if I had my way, they are lame to see; at midnight hours and low pop times. With their camping ways ontop of ledges, with their always dumb easy to gain bounties. & no noob nc medic is able to deal with them.

    Ye I'd turn low pop hours into KOLYTR rules. That means no MBT's. Meaning Battle Busses and Harassers get to shine more.
    Since battle busses don't shine, unless MBT's aren't allowed. If you played Koltyr then anyone would know, that the battle sunderer is only fun if MBT's aren't allowed.

    & Yes if you play bounty magrider or bounty liberator during low pop locked maped times (morning / afternoon / midnight) then yes that person is dishonorable.
  4. Ltuuut

    What you say here falls right into the same phrase I quote. "Just ban___, because I can't deal with it, and I can't have fun".

    If the guy wants to fly a lib on low pop hours, why would your way of having fun prevail over his ? I warn you, I don't take the excuse of "population decrease".
  5. AuricStarSand

    For Oshur Lib for locked map might be ok, not for the other conts with mountains.

    Well I'm not hugely passionate about this post, since it hasn't happened again so far.

    Tho to answer your question; it's not something that is only " fun for me ".
    I stated he killed 3 Ant's, 4 Lightnings, & a number of other people who were never going to end up pulling a ESF.

    So it's not Me verse him. It's like 10 of us verse him. Also theirs other threads other people have made, which despise Libs for 1-12 & 12-24 regions.

    Even for Oshur the other day, even tho I'm tech fine with Libs flying around Oshur, since theirs no mountains to hide behind. Still their was a enemy locked map Lib with a bounty, who would kill every backline ant who fell down to the beach or was harvesting cortium behind the front line.

    The real question is why do Lib dalton's need to farm noob medics during the afternoon?
    & if they're " dealt with " during these times, then why do they always have a bounty?
  6. VV4LL3

    They just need to decrease the liberator's maneuverability, speed, and make vulnerable to Small Arms Fire...that will solve the issue. They wouldn't be able to loiter as much or long while still being able to afterburn out of LOS, or fly upside-down.
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  7. VV4LL3

    They just need to make the liberator less maneuverable than the Dervish, vulnerable to small arms like the Dervish, slow like the Dervish... that's all. Then call it an Air Superiority Bomber. lol