Help Us Deck the Halls! The Player Studio Holiday Deadline is November 30.

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Ashlanne, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. ThePeruvian

    I'd love to make player studio stuff but I live in Canada, so its a big nono :(
  2. Nintyuk

    Every one get in the xmas spirit! and by everyone we mean Americans, No funny Accents allowed.

    How about you give player to studio to Europe? Not everybody lives in 'Murica.
  4. mfaraon

    Sure, I would love to.
    But I can't. Guess why.
  5. Asterix85

    I'd buy Xmas lights for my prowler, and Xmas carol themed horns for my sundy, and reindeer antler hood ornaments, and a Kris Kringle hood for my helmet and mistle toe that hangs off my rams. Xmas wrapping paper camo for everything!!!!!