Help for destroying deployed Sunderers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarII, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. stalkish

    If your on Miller

    Just take an MBT.
    Find the VS zergfit front line.
    Sit on its flank.
    Kill the sundy after sundy after sundy after sundy after sundy. They'll all be empty except for the driver.
  2. Agarthan

    MBT, Lighting with the python turret on it, AV MAX, c-4 fairy, HA, Probably in that order.
  3. Booface

    Ah, my favorite subject. Some fun approaches to break up the monotony:

    1. Use ESF with ejection seats or Valkyrie with Squad Deployment as an Engineer Delivery System. Equip a carbine with smoke launcher, NV, and suppressor. Fire off a smoke in the air on your way down. The smoke will cover you while you plant mines or C-4, and after the explosion the NV + suppressor will let you pick off the confused survivors.

    2. In big fights with lots of AA, use a Sunderer with Comp. Armor as the same. It won't survive long, but will usually get you close to the enemy Sunderer. Plus if you hop out at full speed, it'll drive off on its own and draw everyone's attention with it while you plant your explosives. Harassers sometimes can work for this purpose too. You can also equip Smoke and deploy it just as you hop out for even for cover.

    3. This is a fun one. As Engineer with Utility Pouch, place 4 C-4 on the front of a Wraith Flash with a mounted Fury. Switch to Infiltrator. You are now an invisible, 80KPH anti-Sunderer guided missile. Drive up to a Sunderer, stick your nose into it, uncloak, and fire the Fury. The splash damage will detonate all the C-4 and take it out. If you are trying to take out a moving Sunderer, keep in mind lag will cause your C-4 to detonate a little back from where you think it is. This works well on other vehicles too: use 3 C-4 for MBTs just to be sure, and 2 C-4 for everything else.

    4. If it's hard to get an angle, use an ESF with ejection seats or a Valkyrie to put yourself and some squaddies down at a distance where you can hit it with a few anti-vehicle turrets. Make sure to hit it with a coordinated volley so there's no chance to react with return fire.

    5. Spanish Inquisition. Fill a Sunderer with Heavies with C-4, AV grenades, and rocket launchers. Kamikaze up to the nearest enemy Sunderer and have everyone hop out at the last minute as per #2.

    6. In smaller and medium-sized fights, you can just pull a Galaxy with armor at another base with Bulldogs on the side. Park next to the Sunderer, switch to the Bulldog, and you have such a huge pool of health that even under attack from multiple Heavies and the Sunderer's guns, you'll probably still be able to take it down. This one is particularly rage inducing, so it's fun. Also, if you park close enough, you can also hop out before the Galaxy explodes and finish off the Sunderer with a Decimator shot or something.
  4. EPIC389

  5. Moridin6

    im working on my mines at the same time so engi and flash or harrasser