Helios NC suckfest

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VanuZuma, May 7, 2013.

  1. VanuZuma

    I play a lot late at night and its always an NC orgy with TR and VS barely reaching 25% and the damn NC at right around 50%. Just getting real old only being able to enjoy the game for about 3 hours a day at peak times while the rest of the day its just NC ownage. Really kills the fun when you cant hold a single base just based on zerg. Other servers are really well balanced, I think its merge time again.
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  2. Cougarbrit

    Isn't Helios gonna get merged with Connery?

    Eventually anyways.
  3. HadesR

    Supposed to be .. But will never change off - peak imbalances and don't think anything ever will.
  4. VanuZuma

    Im not asking for it to be a perfect even spread because that will never happen, but the way it is now NC sometimes has double the population. Instead of a XP boost I feel like a DPS boost would make a lot more sense. That way even if one faction was grossly outnumbered at least they would be equipped to take on the enemy. Of course this is only if people want the game to balanced and challenging for all players at all times. Or maybe instead of a DPS boost stronger shields so it wasnt so hard to survive while getting bombarded. Anyways not trying to just whine about getting beat by NC, the game is just way more fun when everyone has a strong force, and I dont think that should just be for a few hours a day.

    Oh and as far as off-peak imbalances matherson is nearly 25% across the board right now 5am and is usually like this.

    5:13am on Helios 22%VS 20%TR 59%NC!!! I dont get it, NC players prefer to play more in the early morning?
  5. TheWhiteDragon

    It's really not even worth bothering late at night. The Chinese really enjoy ghost capping.

    I'm a little concerned about prime time NC though. TR and VS are consistently tieing alerts, and yesterday TR won the cold war with 27% pop. NC was dead last again.
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  6. Paperlamp

    Thought it would be soon but hasn't happened in quite awhile since I first heard of it.

    Gonna hurt if they do since I deleted a rank 42 VS to go from Connery to Helios. Got those extra membership slots from loyal soldier bundle about a week later too, just sitting there now. :/
  7. Mambakiller

    more damage per bullet.
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  8. Whargoul

    Know whats funny is yesterday the NC had 72% pop on the alert cont and around 50% server pop at this time. I logged on an NC alt that I'm only leveling by logging in right before they win the alert. In the region say all the outfit's were like " Yeah we won! We owned TR and Vanoobs blah blah! GREAT JOB!" I then proceeded to laugh my *** off in proximity chat. Really NC, you guys are so good at PS2 with your morning zerg that's the size of TR and vanu pop combined! ahahaha!!!. But that doesn't bother me because when I log on in the afternoon and weekends the pops are even and NC loses all the alerts and gets farmed.
  9. eshHarn

    My main is Helios NC and playing with 3KDC is no barrel of laughs hell you have as much of a chance being TK'd by them as being killed by the enemy. Because of the population imbalance thought I would roll TR to play during off hours and its amazing there are any VS/TR left during non peak hours. It wasn't just the population that made it so bad but damn they all seem have connection problems because they are warping everywhere just doesn't seem to effect their aim and god help you if a stand is made. You would think NC would want to at least have a little fight but the min you kill a few they would just fly in more libs than we had troops on the ground. What I don't get with that is it's no fun for either side.
  10. Richard Nixon

    Yeah.... Helios just ain't fun anymore. Recently moved to Japan, so I play in the off hours and get to "enjoy" steamrolling TR/VS through sheer derp power everyday. Believe me, NO decent NC player is happy with the current pop levels. Just ask the VS how it was back when Tobuscus was around. Pretty much the same ****. If I didn't have so many certs and SC invested in my NC char, I'd have jumped ship awhile ago. Really, if SOE wants a bunch of money, all they have to do is start selling server change tokens.

    With that said... I'm hoping things balance out eventually. Might take some NC nerfs (or TR/VS buffs) or some big TR/VS Asian outfit to rival 3KDC. Until then, I'll be flying Mosquitoes on Briggs.