heavy vs max

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Kracin, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Vreki

    One thing the MAX can do that the HA cant: Rush up a defended choke-point and kill 2-3 people at the end.
    If his team-mates had any kind of coordination they would take advantage of the panic at the other end and charge, but of course that never happens.

    But to use at least the NC AI MAX, you have to understand that F is not just there to help you travel between bases.
  2. Marinealver

  3. gunshooter

    I really hope you guys aren't losing 1v1 to HA's as a MAX...
  4. Citizen H

    This only applies to the NC MAX. The other MAXs do not have the time to kill even one person, if that.

    Something that's beginning to annoy me to no end is people who only have experience with the NC MAX who think it represents all MAXs.

    The Scattmax is not the only MAX and it is an extreme outlier. The Scattergun and variants are probably the only MAX AI weapons worth anything, and even then only in close quarters. The other empire MAX AI weapons fail at being as nearly good in close or at medium range and obviously are useless at long distances.

    In fact I'm starting to wonder if the NC MAX is throwing off the curve for all MAXs so much and that's why the developers wont fix the MAX as a whole.

    There is no 'panic'. Just the standard wall of lead that drops the MAX quickly. Nobody fears a MAX because with the exception of the NC MAX, they have no teeth. People have figured that out. The enemy doesn't even have to worry about friendly fire as much because the MAX is so big and slow it's easy for them to land all their shots on it even if it ends up in the middle of a large group.

    The MAX probably is the last thing you'd want as a fear weapon. You want to sew panic and cause a distraction? Get a couple cloaked Infiltrators or a LA buzzing around.
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  5. Vreki

    The OP was about the NC MAX, so no need to go into a rant.
  6. KnightCole

    I think MAX suits pretty much SUCK in this game. Sure, they have alot of HP, but WOUCH, are thier weapons horridly inaccurate. I got into the TR stock MAX suit and was firing that cycler........how do you even HIT anything beyond like 1 inch? The TR Cycler has a shell spread the size of the Wargate shield.....

    The NC shotgun cant hit anything past the barrel end.

    THe only MAX worth a damn is the VS MAX because is has 0 bullet drop and 0 bullet spread(but dang is it ugly).

    So, whats the secret to the MAX? THey seem to be pretty sad dudes....then once it dies, you cant get it again for like 5 minutes or something?

    The Upgrades seem pretty sad, 1% damage reduction? 2%, 3%? thats like nothing in the big picture....
  7. Goldo

    Run double scattergun on your MAX and then tell me how bad it is. You will quite literally instagib any infantry you run into within a building if you can aim. Other than that, use cover and move intelligently and save your charge until you really need it.
  8. Riftmaster

    Personally I don't see why the NC max cannot mount at least one of LMG's the NC HA can.

    FFS it should even be more accurate because the MAX can control the fire better.
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  9. Riftmaster

    If caught while reloading your weapons, a HA's LMG can rip through half your health at least before you can respond.
  10. Patooie

    Amen! I play a max (AI and AA) as well as a heavy and I have no fear of them as infantry unless they have a couple of engie on them. They are slow, can be one-shotted with C4, rocket once, chaingun down easy as pie.

    I think they should instill fear in infantry for the cost and downsides. As it is I most often play only with outfit/engie support so I get decent survivability excepting the C4 instagib.
  11. hostilechild

    You can blame all this on the MAX crashes in beta. MAX got nerfed out of existance as TR and VS would have more MAXs than any other class at every fight. Seen 100 crash into a biolab one time, they were nerfed next patch.
    MAX 2 bursters good against ESF no where near as good as beta
    MAX 2 falcons good against tanks, maybe bettter than beta
    MAX 2 scattercannon/hacksaw good against INF (NC sucks outside 2m, but VS/TR max you don't want to 1v1) unless have c4

    MAX can not take as much damage as they should, way less than beta, cert into small arms fire damage reduction and they get better. Should get much better but don't

    I prefer heavy, but MAX is great for a push. F into a crowd and take down 3-7 depending on my aim and theres. It doesn't take many maxes to clear a deck/room. Then the Infantry mop up.

    1v1 standing in front of a max, my HA will barely dent them 10-20% and i die in < .5sec, typically get them 25% from behind before they turn and i run. I have max nanoweave and resist shield. (this is vs TR max which i think is just badass) do better against VS
  12. KnightCole

    How many HItpoints do MAX suits have anyway? They seem to take a beating, but sure cant dish much damage.
  13. TTex11

    Almost sounds like someone hasn't run around a corner and come face to face with an NC shotgun-MAX. Trust me, you can count the time you have left to live in half-seconds at best.
  14. KnightCole

    Actually no, I have not been face planted by many MAX suits. Usually, I run into the VS MAX, where I get atleast half my CARV clip or more into them before they finally kill me, or with my dad near me, he dies......we have @$$planted like 5 or 6 max suits in just our short 50 hours on PS2.

    I have caught a few MAX suits at distance, where their guns are completely and absolutely ineffective. At which point, I pelt away at them until I die to their support or they just hide.

    To get faceplanted by a MAX suit, you have to be totally inept at shooters. They are slow and immobile, very easy to circle around and pump full of hundreds of reasons of why not to roll a MAX suit. I think I have died to a MAX maybe 8 times in my 412 deaths. MAXes are not one of those things in this game that instill any kind of "oh $h1t" moments in me. When I encounter a MAX suit, I will just aim at the head and fire away until I die or they die.....

    Granted, I dont usually kill them, but still...they dont seem to be all that amazing.....
  15. MaxDamage

    HAs will not be able to dumbfire AV/AA rockets at MAXs now, so that's one less threat.
  16. Kendo Drakonus

    I think the heart of the issue is just that. The MAX has a cooldown timer, a resource cost, and ALSO must be very skilled to solo a HA. If both were free and had no cooldown I would say, sure, an equally skill player should beat a MAX 50% of the time.

    However, with the restriction and negative aspects MAXes have, they should have a easier time with infantry.

    P.S. Give Vanu Maxes back jumpjets.
  17. Kendo Drakonus

    5 or 6? Man I've kill untold numbers of MAXes... actually when I see them I think "sweet, free xp." <=== that should not happen

    looking back on this, it makes me sound like a jerk. What I meant to say is that, currently, MAXes are too easy to kill, in PS1 they were feared. They just need to add a 25-40% damage armor mitigation from small arms fire.

    It could be a cert.
  18. KnightCole

    Naw, you dont sound like a Jerk at all lol. I agree 200% that MAX suits pretty much SUCK....I got in one yesterday....and it died in less then 15 seconds.....the guns are woefully underpowered on the MAX, the RoF on that 6 barrel minigun is slower then a jammed Twin mount 16 inch battleship cannon and the accuracy is like that of a bent Brownbess Musket being fired by a blind 2 year old...

    The MAX for atleast the TR, needs its RoF on the miniguns increased by, oh, idk 750RpM, along with an ammo increase to 120 rounds in the mag, along with about a 15% increase in accuracy.
  19. Kendo Drakonus

    I'm pretty sure the title says Heavy vs MAX
  20. Kendo Drakonus

    Decimator is being added... so I think this will balance not in favor of maxes.
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