Heavy shield nerf suggestion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vsae, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Hiding in VR

    Both Inf and LAs have class abilities that help them get the drop on HAs, HAs do not. Their ability helps them when people get the drop on them. This is entirely fair.

    If the Overshield is to be nerfed, where is the evidence that HAs are out performing? I am not seeing any. I recognise that my game isn't everyone's game, which is why I ask.
  2. Dan_Killian

    I don't know, the ramp-up mechanic seemed to work great for the T-7 MCG...
  3. Hiding in VR

    I see what you did there ;)
  4. JP_Russell

    I feel like the only way this overshield nerf will work out is if they outright remove the NMG and Adrenaline energy drain for being turned on (for the record, I use the resist shield whenever I pull heavy). But I still don't really like that option because it still blends the function of the resist shield and the other two together and makes the choice between them even more strictly preferential. Like most of you in here, I would rather they just left the shields alone. I have absolutely never took issue with losing to a heavy because of the overshield (I've died/lost to the other class' strengths just the same), and the people who do will probably still hate it because it's not going to suddenly stop feeling like you lost fights because that guy had an "I win" ability and you didn't.

    That is, unless they nerf the shield into the ground with a preposterously long delay/wind-up time, but I imagine whatever they do will be subtle.
  5. Shadowomega

    @ Russell Have you ever know SOE to do anything Subtle on a fix?

    SOE takes a sledgehammer to all of their fixes, they always over buff or over nerf the item, then spend 4 months trying to fix the issue while people unsub/stop buying station cash or just quite playing. In in every other thread posted covering adding a delay or ramp of time to the reactive shields people showed how much even a .25 to .5 second delay would negate a reactive shield; due to a combination of client side hit detection, player reaction time, and the games already short ttk.

    Going to use Bioware's Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer as an example of this which uses a Peer to Peer client system where all calculations are done by the host. At one point Bioware changed the invulnerable frames between shields going down to your health being damageable by 25% this small adjustment was minor but had massive impact on high level game play thanks to lag with the host/Origin. People who played on Gold/Platinum were the most affected by this as one hit could strip your shields and by the time the host told your client your shields were gone, you already taken one or two more hits, leaving you either dead on the floor or a critical life. The effect can be scene here due to client side hit detection. Player starts shooting you, this tells the server which then tells you that your taken fire, this one way trip is about 200 MS. The average human reaction time is between 150 and 300 MS, so that come in to play, so you hit the shield button, which then has to take trip from your machine to the server, to the attackers screen, which is another 200ms. This comes to 550 ms min, to 700 ms max of him shooting you before your shield appear on his screen. Now with weapon in this game having a TTK of 500 ms to 900 ms adding even a slight delay would nullify the reactive shields. So if you got the jump on someone and they had the time to turn their shields on, and turn in kill you then your seriously are doing something wrong.
    • Up x 1
  6. Goretzu

    I'm not as convinced myself. :)
  7. Tar

    So... it's ok for an infil to use its class-specific ability and sneak up on the HA, for the LA to descend from the skies and surprise him, but somehow it's wrong in that situation that the HA brings his class specific ability to the play as well?

    Please explain.