[BUG] Heavy double rocket...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by R-A-B, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. R-A-B

    I keep seeing this around and I don't know its designation or seen anything else about it.

    Basically a heavy firing 2 shots, only 2, in very quick succession. Same speed as a basalisk or prowler.

    It can't be a visual bug as both rockets appear to do damage.
    The rockets don't have to follow the exact same trajectory (I'm assuming it just depends on how quickly you can 'Re-aim' the rocket.
    I've never experienced it accidentally while playing as a heavy.
    I've seen multiple people of all different factions use it

    In short I just wanted to announce it and see if anybody else has seen it and if it is a fast reload glitch exploit or something.
  2. Nathaniak

    Are you sure that it's not just 2 heavies? Report it as a bug.
  3. RasFW

    its a glitch. They're firing 2 rockets in 2 different directions because of the recoil of the gun. I'm not sure about both doing damage, I've never actually seen them both hit a target.
  4. Turiel =RL=

    No reload hack.
  5. SirJMD

    I've seen this happen quite a few times as well - there are definitely players shooting two rockets at the same time.
  6. VargTwo

    I have seen the double rocket a few times, once i had a heavy fire x4 rockets at me as well under a second.
    Not sure if the x4 was some sort of strange lag or visual bug as i never took much damage from it.

    That said i ran into a more serious bug flying my liberator a few hours ago, after having landed on the repair platform where me and my gunner repaired said liberator and got in the plane and flew off.
    I noticed that the plane was still acting like it was being repaired by two people and having its ammo refilled non-stop.

    Thus the Immortal super liberator was born, unlimited ammo and flying around with x2 engie repair auto regen.
    I have not been able to replicate said bug however so my guess is that it was some sort of desync or something.
  7. ScarabParamit

    If you ware VS then its not a bug...but intended feachure of this faction ;-)