Heavy Assault Rockets not registering hits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Basilisk, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Basilisk

    Seems the forums are just simply alight like a christmas tree with people complaining about everything under the sun. Now how about something that is actually somewhat of a real issue. Occasionally when I shoot something (anything) with the heavy's default rocket launcher, it will explode on the target....aaaaannnnd wont do anything. By not do anything i mean anything. No hit marker, no damage, nothing, ive had it happen on sunderers, landed/stationary ships on the ground and in the sky, heavy tanks, you name it. It just wont hit. Before anyone sayd "you just ain't doin' it right." i assure you i am hitting the target square on.

    Its not such a problem that one can't play the class but its rather irritating, if you need video..... *grits teeth* i can provide it if it really means that much to you. It's not something that i can pinpoint when its going to happen.

    One thing unrelated, I don't know whats rendering all of the players and vehicles in your game, whether its the CPU or the GPU but for god's sake, balance it out, no sense in going into a firefight and then not being able to kill a guy with his back turns because chippity choppity zippity zoppity zoo. Before you say it, no, my computer is fine, it runs fine, it runs games fine, its fine.
  2. Corsix

    Video, demonstrate this on every type of vehicle you claim this is happening with, with each of the factions different launchers.
  3. Bags

    I've gotten hit a A LOT by HA today while Magridering and I can confirm 2 - 3 total did not register.
  4. foesjoe

    This has been a problem during beta too. And it still happens to me as well. Not very often, but often enough that it's annoying.
  5. CaptainRobust

    Yep, it's a problem. I've noticed that if you hit towards the bottom of the tank, it'll still 'clunk' as though it's been hit, but it won't take damage.
  6. Basilisk

    Well good, then its not just me. Since so many people are having this issue corsix can eat one.
  7. lonegunman

    If you die before your rocket hits the target, the rocket does no damage.