Heavy Assault Directive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShineOut, May 17, 2015.

  1. ShineOut

    So I'm on my home stretch with just 832/1200 air deterrence left to complete the directive. Since the AV grenades only tickle enemies now (sigh). There has to be a more quicker way to finish this than sitting on a hill all day hoping a rocket hits some thing that fly's by. Because right now it's just a really, really boring grind fest...
  2. Nhar

    imho, most directives need a 'balance' revamp
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  3. Ballto21

    youre vs, go to a large bio rab and spam lancers at the galaxy theyre going to land there and keep repping
  4. FocusLight

    I was about to say this. Really, with Lancers you have an easier time of it than anyone else.

    As usual. Grab your Lancer, go look for any air battles and pop full-charge shots at any Galaxy, Lib, slow Valk or hovering ESF you see.
  5. Cinnamon

    I think that Malorn really hated people who play HA even more than people here asking for LMG and shield nerfs.
  6. FateJH

    You threw AV Grenades at passing air planes?
  7. Littleman

    Would be totally worth the hate/congratulatory /tell.
  8. Ryo313

    vs > tr at that point ... all tr has is the grounder because our ****** ESRL ( T2 Striker ) is useless and outclassed by the grounder in any aspect... try to get the air deterrence directive as TR its a pain xD
  9. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, lancer is super easy to spam on galaxies.
  10. TheKhopesh

    NC don't have it much easier.
    Hitting air only happens very rarely with the Phoenix, as the pilot has to be utterly blind and deaf to miss hearing and seeing that slow turtle of a missile.
    You're infinitely better off with the G2A locks.
  11. TheKhopesh

    The directives need an equalization on difficulty.

    Just look at the Max suit Directive.
    Forced aurax on the punch?
    That's insane!

    Not to mention, why aren't there separate directives for infantry kills, vehicle kills, and max suit kills?
    The max is essentially a bridging vehicle between infantry and vehicles, so they should add those to the mix to give it more options.
  12. Xebov

    Not only Balance. Its annoying that everything is only in one Directive. I dont get it why vehilce grenades and sticky grenades are not counting as Explosives only because tehy are in a different directive.
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  13. Ryo313

    true but nc has it easier on the other two directives ( the MAX kills and the launcher kills) because with the phoenix you can shoot from almost any cover without risking to get backfired ( i know you still need someone to watch your back because you are defenseless as long as you are guiding the rocket) imo the phoenix and the striker could need a buff at the rocket speed ...

    have you tried the AV granade one already? i'm at 2 so far with it >.<
  14. BIllyGG

    I feel real lucky that I did that directive before the AV nerf. I would of never bothered if it wasn't for that.
  15. Cuze

    That's funny because this morning I was thinking about how ridiculous getting araxium with AV grenades is now. I have about 150 AV grenade kills, almost all of which came before the nerf and they just feel like they are completely ineffective.
  16. TheKhopesh

    AV's are crap as far as farming kills for directives is concerned.
    And yeah, the Striker needs a significant buff to velocity and fire rate.

    (IMO, they should double it's fire rate, and up the reload speeds to keep the same long term damage output. That would give it the much needed decrease to exposure time while laying the damage out onto the target, but without upping it's DPM.)

    As for the Phoenix, one of it's major strengths is that it CAN move slow when it wants to.
    But it also needs to be able to accelerate when it needs to so that it can catch up with targets at further ranges.

    The game engine treats the Phoenix as an Air vehicle.
    When you fire a round from the launcher, a "vehicle" is spawned in, and the shooter is put in the "pilot seat".
    But the shooter's body remains while he pilots the missile.

    With that in mind, I feel that it should get a lower speed version of the ESF afterburners, that way it can accelerate and catch fleeing opponents within the 300m range.
    (And of course, the faster you're going, the worse your turning in relation to ground targets is, like all aircraft.)

    So this would allow the Phoenix to trade maneuverability for speed (and while you're movement is restrincted, the target will have an opportunity where the missile will be an easier target).
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  17. Nhar

    I think one of the best directives is the Liberator's. It isn't just another 1k+ kills across the board. You have different numbers for each directive according to difficulty (or smth.. if you're familiar with it) .

    For tank kills, air kills, nose gun kills, tail, belly, even piloting assists.. you get the idea.

    On the lib, directives promote certain playstyles where a single kill would count in up to 3 different requirements, simultaneously. It's just that interesting and meaningful. Unlike where you face-palm infantry with your AV rocket launcher since it's plain stupid to go after vehicles if you really want that "prize at the end of the road".
  18. RedArmy

    AV grenades stick like stickys to armor and maxes and does tank mine dmg -
  19. FieldMarshall

    Can they add "concussion assists" to HA and "flashbang assists" to LA already.
  20. Goretzu

    I dunno those people that say Pheonixes are great at AA could probably be pretty sucessful with AV grenades tbh. :D