Healthy Snacks (SNAX) recruitment | Harasser Squad (TR)

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by LimaCharlie, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. LimaCharlie

    Healthy Snacks is a dedicated Terran Republic harasser squad. If you have other talents: Example ESF pilot or maining MBT... That's awesome, you are still welcome to join.... And it will compliment everyone's vehicle playstyle.
    We usually drive in a squad of harassers consisting of 1-8 harassers and or with combinations of other vehicles. As an outfit, we probably have the most G20 Vulcan-H kills on PS4. But we are always looking for more drivers/gunners and people to play the roles that are needed. If you're looking to make Certs, then being a gunner on a harasser is a very lucrative method.
    We have strong emphasis on teamwork and supporting one another. We roll in groups taking out armor pieces. We use clear communication between each member to maneuver around the battle field.

    We are a pretty laid back small group of dudes. We don't take the game too serious(stats, dying instead of redeploying), but we do play the objectives/alerts and some of us take vehicle combat very serious. We also have other vehicles that we pull out. Sometimes we'll push with an armor column, sometimes we pull out libs/Mosquitos, sometimes we'll go infantry. Sometimes we will use combination of harasser and ESFs. But we always try to stay working as a team.

    *16+ years of age, exceptions may apply.
    *Own a microphone but there is exceptions to some players.
    *Mature personality (we have members aged from 16~45)
    *Have Mic. discipline (if you don't know what that is... Look it up)
    *Must already have some knowledge of how to play the game.
    *No BR requirement.

    *No trolling, no disrespecting, no discrimination any member's race, sexuality, ethnic, religion, or sex.
    *Work as a team.
    *Voice your opinion of different tactics. Listen to instructions of lead harasser if grouped.
    *Seek improvement.
    *We die, we respawn, we keep calm, we harass on.

    Expectations/Recommendations as a member:
    *Have the repair tool fully upgraded.
    *Have anti tank mines and utility pouch fully upgraded.
    *Work on upgrading your own harasser, because everyone can be a driver or a gunner.
    *No rule on restrictions of weapons... if it is in the game, you can use it used.
    *Have fun, and be chill.

    If this outfit is something that interests you, then reply with your PSN name and your In-game name and a short description of why you want to join. You can also message me via PSN: i-800-infantry, or the leader of SNAX PSN: Billyj246

    If you are not looking to join SNAX and are just looking for other harassers to roll around with or want to have harasser support.. Don't hesitate to contact me. We work with other outfits too. Everyone can learn something when exposed to other harassing methods or vehicle combat strategies.
    Other outfits we actively harass/support with: SEX/SEXd, BAD, TePo, TRMC, 7crx, and sometimes TRJP.

    Thank you,

    P.s. If you're from a Vanu, we have outfit tagged SMAX. So if you have a Vanu main or alt, we also harass with the VS. It's not that active but I'm hoping to play more of it in the future. Please contact me if that also interests you.

    -LimaCharlie PSN i-800-infantry co-leader
    -Billyj808 PSN Billyj246 leader
  2. LimaCharlie

    Healthy little bump
  3. AxiomInsanity87

  4. LimaCharlie

  5. Epicpancho

  6. fusion322


  8. Firty

    i applied but its been sittin there for a couple days, but thats cool and all.