Headshot through spawn shield? wtf?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jessy, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Jessy

    So i was in that spawn room SE of the crown mountain and took some shots at TR guys coming downhill. We crouched with 2 or 3 snipers behind the shield and all of a sudden i got damage. and again and i was dead.
    In the first moment i thought it was a TK, but kill message showed a red TR sniper.

    Ok, next try, behind the shield door, i hear incoming shots and that sniper near me lied dead down on the ground. Next thing i saw was me, lying dead down. again.

    so... WTF?
    I thought shields are safe against bullets? (all but the golden ones)
    Is this a bug or some kind of hack or just another sniper-nerf (you never know, no one likes us)?
  2. CHC999

    Report & send support ticket?
  3. Juni

    There is a bug, that if the guy shooting at you cannot see energy shields, the bullets will go straight through and hits the people behind said shields.
    Side-effect of clientside hit detection.
    • Up x 3
  4. Darzok

    At worst its flat out hacking at best its clear bug abuse report and maybe Sony will ban them.
  5. SolidSnake

    Probably a hacker. I've seen one guy popping in and out of the ground, shooting someone from underground or inside a wall, etc. I got killed by him right outside my spawn room, I revived, was inside at the inv station and blam, same guy killed me again.
  6. Joram

    Can be you lagging and warping around in other people screen.
  7. Soylent

    Sometimes the spawn shields don't render at long distances. That coupled with client-side hit detection results in what you experienced.
  8. DeadOnArrival

    Sometimes you appear as outside the window for no particular reason and we can shoot you.
  9. Inzababa

    its hack
  10. Weirdkitten

    This. Happens sometimes when there's enough people around to cause rendering issues.
  11. Inzababa


  12. Aisar

    It's a rendering issue, I have had spawn shields disappear on my screen many times. Then they magically reappear, no hacking involved.
  13. Weirdkitten

    Yes, really. I've had the bug happen to me, and I shot people through the shield from ~300m. That there are hacks that enable you to ignore the shields doesn't mean that is the only way it can happen.
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  14. Vertabrae

    If the spawn shield is not rendering for a person, then it's not a bug exploit. They may well think the target was outside the shield, and thus fair game. SOE isn't going to ban them for it.
  15. Cleaver

    Yesterday there was a BR72 NC inside a VS spawn room, standing in the wall behind the pods you spawn in. He was killing people on spawn for five minutes at least, during which time I recorded getting killed by him twice.

    Turns out the video cut out after one goddamn second and my evidence was gone. I was somewhat annoyed. Battle rank 72.
  16. Darzok

    Thats the logic you use to get away with clear bug abusing.

    IF you are shooting people at shields you know full well when there behind the shield even if its not showing up and just using a poor lie to cover up the fact you are willing using bugs to get kills you other wise should not get.
  17. Vertabrae

    Everyone uses cheap tactics to get kills. Shooting tank shells at shield doors knowing the splash can kill inside the shield is the same thing. SOE knows about it. They haven't done anything. If they didn't want it happening, they would have fixed it. If the shield doesn't render then tough noogies. Maybe you should quit camping behind the shield in the first place. Yes many of us do camp behind the shields. I've done it. Not ashamed to say it either. And if a nade, or UBGL splash takes me out, then I shouldn't have been there. Everyone knows about the shield door bug. It's not new. So you know there is a risk of it happening everytime. Deal with it. If some guy gets a kill or two off it, SOE is not going to ban him.
  18. TeknoBug

    I logged on my NC for a little bit, joined a squad and instant spawned at their location which was inside Zurvan(?) and while the shields were up, I got shot dead when running next to the AMS... and there was no one inside.
  19. hostilechild

    With new render distance, it is occuring more. Snipers at 300-400m will shoot through the shields if you are close to them. Other times their bullets will just hit the shield. Silly render bugs (certain angles make it more likely not to render). Tanks can do the same, even to warpgate shields unless they fixed it.
  20. Darzok

    The tank shells C4 and grenade's bypassing shields was fixed long ago now you can keep talking to talk your way out of having to say look i am a dirty little cheat who has to bug abuse all you like but you will fool no one.

    The fact is how ever you try to talk your way out of it you are clearly bug abusing and people like you should be banned as you ruin the game for real players who do not need to abuse bugs and then go oh we did not know when you do.