He may be a top player in kills and score- But he's no window jumper.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SiosDashcR, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. SiosDashcR

    I forgot to record with my audio on - But I was talking him through it, trying to motivate him.
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  2. Corporate Thug

    I have this problem as well :( I believe my client was corrupted during DL and my windows are smaller then everyone else's.
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  3. SiosDashcR

    Haha - It takes time. Just sprint, jump and crouch xD
  4. Zyrina

    I am so glad I am not the only one with this problem. Every single time I try to jump through a window, it fails and the enemy usually sees me struggling to get through and laughs at me then kills me.

    So you just sprint, jump, and crouch? I tried that! Many times! I gave up trying to jump through windows a long time ago though when they nerfed the window size on towers. I may try to get into it again but I don't know, I still have nightmares of enemies killing me as I am trying so hard to get through the window. They really should make tutorials for this crap.
  5. Corporate Thug

    :p yeah, I've died quite a few times trying this advanced maneuver as well, but not as many times as me trying to scale the outer walls of amp stations. Almost every time I got shot in the back, or someone would walk up on top of the wall and shoot me in the top of my head :(