Hating the Liberators...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CHDT65, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Cougarbrit

    Yup, Libs are terrifying against small units with no to little AA, against everything else, they're usually xp pinatas unless their faction has air and vehicle superiority.

    The Tank Buster is probably the most powerful weapon on the game, but it's a ***** to aim, has short range and is often suicide to use it as the main weapon (as opposed to the belly gun, not the stock primary) unless you're a top level Lib pilot.
  2. Betelnut

    I usually play skyguard, and a lib that is almost out of range from me can kill me way before I can seriously hurt them due to COF of my skyguard. As the OP stated, you cannot get away from them (well, usually). I hope to take up libs some day as I can see the farming potential if they are flown right. For now, I REALLY love taking libs out of the sky when I can, even more than lighting up C4 monkeys or ESF pilots who think they can take me out unassisted.
  3. Pat Cleburne

    Can't fight back? Yea, my AP prowler with lockdown 4 disagrees. I get mad liberator kills with it.
  4. Pikachu

    Btw about liberators. I never see terrans using them but there's plenty of vanus doing. Hardly see any NC using and when I do it's always some novice player with uncerted vehicle.
  5. Dingus148

    Unfortunate problem with the ease of ground scalability. (Not scalability in general...air scales better, it's just FAR harder to coordinate.) Lockons and friendly ESFs it is, then!
  6. Mr_Giggles

    Come to Waterson and I will show you a TR Liberator. Saturday I think it was, we had 15 of them laying waste to anything below us with a wing of ESF's to guard us.
  7. Vidman

    Ap prowler with anchor 4 would like a word with you on that.
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    Anchored prowler cannot drive up a slope to elevate the main gun to ~85 degrees and hit a liberator above you.
  9. Vidman

    Why would i get close to the action when i would use my inherit range to my advantage and snipe them from a further effective and safe distance? Also nothing stopping me from using minor inclines to raise my firing lane.
  10. Pat Cleburne

    I don't know about max "degrees" but I anchor on steep hills all the time and shoot straight up into the sky.
  11. ent|ty

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm hitting Libs with dumbfires, some lock ons (the VS one sucks though) and my AA MAX. They're my first targets. So some of us are working to keep them in line.

    I just can't kill them fast enough before they scurry away and repair.
    • Up x 1
  12. redmamba

    Sure u can.
    Find a near sloped terrain so you can shoot high enough and send that lib an I see you round :D
  13. Garmus

    Exactly :D, I also use Spear Phalanx (AV) Turret not only against unaware ESFs and libs, but if you can get used to aim a little bit forward to the direction where infantry is runing, it is extremely efficient sniper rifle, if you aim well, it is "one shot = one kill".
    And when I see some enemy libs farming our helpless infantry/tanks, I will sit into a Lightning with Skyguard and starts great fun :p, you cannot imagine how fast these libs or ESFs (which until that moment thinks they safely cert-farming helpless infantry/tanks) fly away trying to save their lives. Not mention that our own ESFs, when seeing that damaged enemy libs flying away, they really enjoying join the fight and help hunt that lib down : )
  14. PrimePriest

    Actually as you mention Skyguard as some kind of omni-potent Lib killer.
    Any decent Liberator crew can easily tank and out-DPS single Skyguard. :p It takes at least two (or some other form of AA) to scare them off.
    MBT's on inclines are much worse. :D
  15. Torok

    Tanking solo (2/2) is a gamble yet a very skilled thing to do actually, it's all about positioning, awareness and a good dose of prudence :D

    @OP what faction do you play? because if you're VS i can understand your grief i guess, it's the hardest tank to hit air with
  16. Andrea SKye

    As a pretty experienced Liberator Pilot and Gunner I would just like to point out a few things.

    Firstly. A good ESF pilot will solo a liberator 1v1 (Most of the time, lucky dalton hit is always possible).

    Secondly, if you are in a zerg you are relatively safe from Liberators in a Tank. They might get you low, or even get lucky, but 9/10 times you will be fine from a single Liberator.

    Thirdly, Lock-ons **** liberators and Flak will nearly always drive them off.

    Lastly, the Dalton and Tank buster are TANK KILLING WEAPONS. So if a Liberator catches you all on alone in the middle of nowhere, either find a building or a tower to hide in or expect to die.

    As a liberator pilot, me and my gunner will rarely hunt in zergs. We look for people separated in tanks/sundies etc. We called them Gazelles (as in the lame gazelle separated from the pack). So please stop whining about Liberators, we all know SOE listens to the whines and next patch probably already have a Lib nerf lined up just cause they read this thread. Just like the Harraser, and the C4, and the ESFs, and everything else that has been nerfed recently.
  17. Cougarbrit

    Like I said, our Libs mostly hunt Vanu, they'll even hunt the Vanu Libs. They don't often bother against NC, I'm guessing Vanguard APs make very effective Lib counters with the right terrain and Skyguard cover.

    Pretty much anytime I've ever pulled a Lib I've only fought VS with it, I never really need to pull a Lib fighting NC.

    Also we have less pop in general so it's generally not as safe for us to pull Libs, and I know some of our Lib crews have made alts on other servers so they can actually fly in more areas. The more experienced VS Libs usually have a few scythes around as support, but our TR Libs don't, which is probably why we have better A2A Libs.

    That said, Choon2 is a crazy shot with the Dalton, I'm rarely ever killed by a VS Lib in the air, they're usually easy enough pickings for me if I catch them alone even if it's a good pilot, but I caught one being gunned by Choon2 and was killed twice. First time he killed me almost straight away, which gave me a nice surprise, and second time I'd almost killed him but fluffed a rocket pod reload and ate a Dalton while I was panicking, but throughout that second fight the Dalton shots were constantly whizzing close by. Never been ******** myself so much fighting a Lib like that.
  18. umbrellapower

    OP probably jumped in a time machine back to November of last year when Liberators were actually useful. Now, Liberators are so useless that most Lib crews spend most of their time trying to Dalton ESFs out of the sky.
  19. Phrygen

    Libs are currently the bane of tanks... but at the same time tank rounds can really ruin a liberators fun.

    The lib is going to dominate the MBT 1v1 with no other forces around. It can be frustrating for the MBT since it cant escape like the lib.. but those are the breaks.
  20. PutteFnask

    Im sorry to say but your answer is in the first line "As a MBT driver". You're the candy and the sky guards love little bits like you. Get air support and clear the sky from those libs. Going alone is just begging for it.