Hate to admit this about the TR but...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sulsa, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Sulsa

    ... the past few nights of playing I've witnessed some good (not flawless, not great) examples of coordinated assaults.
    I play VS on Waterson (an NC alt rarely) and neither of of those empires seem to rise to the level of TR when it comes to squad and platoon organization. I don't see it a lot but I have seen it more than in the other empires.
    Because of my own personal gaming situation, I can't fully partake in a squad / platoon / outfit properly with voice com and time investment so I run lone wolf 90% of the time.

    So, cheers to the TR. As much as I hate you and your empire for your disdain of personal freedom and purple alien stuff, it's pretty freaking awesome to watch your Galaxy drops, MAX crashes and organized ESF runs...

    ... even if I'm on the receiving end ...

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  2. LordMatt XLVIII

    I've been playing waterson vanu recently, (my TR main is Waterson), and BOY can I say that you guys do not help each other enough, you rarely repair, heal, or revive.....whereas sometimes on TR we have TOO many medics.
  3. pnkdth

    Dat TAR.
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  4. whitupiggu

    Coordinated attacks from TR are purely NUC 90% of the time. They consist almost entirely of medics with TARs, engis in harassers with marauders, and MAXs with onslaughts.

    They are certainly the cheesiest outfit on the server.
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  5. MFP_TK_01

    When NC Waterson gets its act together they can really terrorize. I haven't seen a particular tactic pulled off in a while but a couple of months back I used to be guarding point random at random base and I'll see 3 galaxy icons stream across the map. When that happened I knew each and every time that I was about to partake in a prison shower scene with a full squad of blues. Whoever was pulling those off knew how to Blitzkrieg like a pro.
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  6. Zexis

    TIW is pretty good on Waterson.

    As for NUC, it's pretty rare that we assault a base with NUC guys and fail.
  7. S7rudL

    On Miller TR there is always an engineer nearby for some reason, they pop up from the ground like smurfs.

    First thing I do lone wolf,
    Engineer < Prowler < Lightining < Sunderer < HeavyAssault
    HeavyAssault only, after I run out of vehicle resources : P

    The only thing I do in a evening outift platoon If I manage with time
    Medic < Engineer < MAX (rarely) < HeavyAssault (rarely, depends)
  8. NinjaTurtle

    I hate that weapon. I swear I get killed by that more than any other :mad:
  9. MFP_TK_01

    I like TIW. Any time my deaths start increasing dramatically while fighting NC you can pretty much guarantee that TIW are present. Yooko is at the top of my death list with 17 kills against me.
  10. SocratesEverywhere

    I don't agree with this. Watch NUC's stream. They are pros. Their level of communication with one another is insane. In the most recent Community Clash, they dominated.

    Do they rely on certain equipment? Sure. They use Harassers a lot. Yes, they Gal drop a lot. But why not? They're good at it, and the fact that they practice these things nightly means they're really good at it.

    Why do some people hold MLG teams in such low regard? It's like being a baseball player and saying you hate the pros. Weird.
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  11. whitupiggu

    No. Its like being a baseball player and saying you hate people who use steroids. They "play to win". This translates in to "we use whatever is the most OP at the time".
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  12. SocratesEverywhere

    Evolve or perish.
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  13. TheBigHert

    Most older Waterson VS have long quit. It was a much different story months ago. After the merge VS would have 24-27% pop & still win just as many alerts as the other over pop factions.
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  14. whitupiggu

    SOE wont let me.
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  15. Shanther

    I wont go as far to say the Vanu Alliance is in shambles but it isn't what it used to be. SENTS, DAWN, BJTC, are all way down in activity. BOG merged with XoO. And even XoO doesn't have a lot of its "vets" anymore. For the most part the VS on Waterson are mostly comprised of the larger zergfits, and even they are lower in activity then they used to be. The smaller "elite" outfits that used to make up the Wasterson VS are largely not there in the same capacity they used to be. You have ZAPS but for the most part (and this isn't an attack) they don't really do anything useful besides farm. XoO is still around doing things but not to the same scale that we used to. As for the others I can't really say. Overall, in my opinion, the Waterson VS are kind of in a bad spot. Heck our alert population is almost always in the low 20%s, around 23 - 25%.
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  16. -Synapse-

    Maybe TR just has more players, and therefor more members in it's good outfits.
  17. Zexis

    Woah bro, what? You're complaining about the NC's ability to control a room? That's the one thing their MAXes are actually good at.
  18. Liquid23

    in another thread he was complaining how the TR have the MSW-R and the Jaguar which according to him are the most accurate weapons in the game
  19. Zazen

    You're speaking the truth. I have a BR100 NC main, a BR42 TR & a BR65 Vanu on Waterson. Vanu are without a doubt the absolute worst at support. I have to roll Nanite repair on everything and pound down the heal stims because few Vanu will shelve their HA w/ Orion or Infil w/ Sirius to play support. The few Vanu that do pull an Engie that isn't just supporting his own vehicle typically just hump their turret and won't ever heal MAX's. Don't even get me started on their medics walking all over your corpse and not throwing a revive!

    How Vanu don't get steamrolled 24/7 with such poor overall teamplay is a mystery, maybe it's the ZOE MAX? lol

    The TR is too live