harrassed and teamkilled on a daily basis by the same person (outfit killing)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by thekiller2002us, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. thekiller2002us

    Every day for the past two weeks. I have been teamkilled over and over by Flashthat - an NC player on the Cobalt Server. He targets all of the Jesters Outfit members as well as me- blowing up our deployed sunderers and beacons.

    My outfit and I have submitted multiple reports ingame- but there has been no reply or action by any of the gm's
    today I had a conversation with Flashthat and i've printscreened the following


    As you can see in this link he has killed me the most (he has also killed me way more than 9 times)


    I have also killed him- but because he constantly kills friendly sundies and targets my outfit. Will a GM please let me know that at least you have launched an investigation.
  2. Paulus

    That's nice. Please use the /report function in game, and refrain in future from posting issues that aren't a Technical based enquiry in this section of the forum.
  3. Thelgow

    So what's his friend supposed to do then?
    He's just looking out for his boy apparently.
  4. Ethnicbadger

    You could refrain from being an ****** for a moment and bother to read the post.

    There has been literally 100's of reports submitted over the past week and still this continues - I've no problem with people picking a fight with Jesters but when this idiot is single handedly ripping the heart out of every major push by killing the sunderers it affects the faction not just the outfit.

    What shocks me is the sheer facelessness and inactivity that seems to be SOE's way of controlling the servers - and this is something that is apart from this issue. You see blatant exploiting day in day out on the servers yet nothing is done. A single TR who glitched under the shield gen in Zurvan single handly stopped an entire advance for 2 hours yesterday - nothing was done other then leaving him be until he got bored. Never experienced such a lax approach in any game before.
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  5. thekiller2002us

    "Technical based enquiry"

    Well, since there has been no action by the GM's on this issue regarding the /report function in the game (nor has there been any other action regarding the /report i've submitted within the game) there is probably a technical-based issue regarding how the mods and admins deal with teamkilling, harrassments and other incidents submitted through the report function.

    your reply to this thread is not needed. I've tried every method of having this incident investigate by soe. The game should be playable and enjoyable for all people- without having a guy target and harrass your sunderers every time you make a push and kill your outfit members.

    Not surprised to hear such a troll response from the leader of AOTR, try harder next time.
  6. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    If you have a ticket number on file about this issue please send me the reference number so I can have the matter looked into. If you do not, please open a support ticket using the link in my signature below.
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  7. Cromell

    Cobalt here, too. Lately there have been a loooot of team killers around. Once I literally saw some guy placing C4 on my deployed sundy, so I shot him before he detonated it....and some silly medic revived him /facepalm and he blew my sundy AND killed me with his own sundy. Twice. I reported him, but probably nothing got done.

    Later that day I was in a platoon with HTOO fellas and someone was REPEATEDLY blowing our sunderers...

    What's up with that? People forgot how to fight fair and square?
  8. Paulus

    Not the leader old chap, not that I see what my outfit has to do with anything when it's YOUR outfit that's being targeted by your own side. You are of course welcome to your opinion of us as adversaries, but for all your inclement words, we're not the ones who have found ourselves in the position you have. Can't imagine what you've done to upset the NC so much.
  9. thekiller2002us

    "not that I see what my outfit has to do with anything when it's YOUR outfit that's being targeted by your own side"

    Well it appears that you have made yourself involved in something that has nothing to do with you- which has happened with other members of your outfit before on other forums and threads. so...yeah....

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  10. Conq

    **** happens man, it's war. Can't say I approve of what happened in this instance but I don't know all the facts.

    What I do know is that I've been involved in plenty of coordinated operations where allied Sunderers were detonated. If someone parks and abandons a Sunderer in a terrible position while your platoon bus is waiting in a defensible location with an entire squad on bus defense duty, why the hell not? Sometimes you have to make a tactical decision, it's not personal.
  11. thekiller2002us

    I know good/bad sunderer positions. This is straight up targeting of all jester members- every single day this guy comes online and shoots our members. Every single time he targets our sunderers. I'm not a noob running to the forums to cry about a single incident of teamkilling. I've been the leader of the Jesters since we founded back in November 2012 and I have lead platoons almost every day since then. We are a 300 strong outfit in Planetside 2, with a hell of a lot of knowledge and experience in planetside 2.

    Flashthat is causing us harassment through persistent team killings and sunderer destruction and nothing is being done about it by developers or moderators on the Cobalt server- even after daily reports by all of the jesters members.

    Playstyle is being effected here- on an outfit-wide level. Flashthat has even admitted it in the chat logs above. He has admitted targetting and teamkilling outfit members for the past few months- what more does it take for the developers to take action?

    This argument is completely bonkers and should have been dealt with months ago when we reported him. But no, the report function is a "broken feature" designed only to try to show the community that there are tools there to report hackers, griefers and team killers. Its embarrassing that its gotten to this stage- where the leader of the Jesters- a 700 man gaming community, has to come onto the forums in an attempt to Galvani SOE into action.

    The report "feature" doesn't work, hence the thread on this section of the forums. The report feature is a techincial issue in its own right- as it simply isn't working or getting looked at within the Cobalt server.
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  12. nubery

    You've basically just come in this thread and spewed your all knowing worthlessness everywhere, just go away.

    Why do we need to know your PC specs AND Internet connection speed, by the way? You trying to compensate for something?
  13. Topher

    If you read it, you know it's blatant TKing for no reason other than to troll, it's not that it was abandoned, they were being selfish dorks who enjoy ruining a good time to get a good time out of it.
  14. Brainwayne

    i also saw him teamkilling a lot. blowing sundis, shooting at reavers with tank and so on... pretty annoying - he didn't get me tho ^^
  15. Paulus

    I include my tech specs because (surprise surprise) the first question that generally gets asked in the technical forum when discussing a Technical issue is "what are your specs?". They also form a basis for comparison, so when I say "my game runs fine, I get X FPS in situation Y" it puts a perspective on my experience. I'm sorry if you somehow feel aggrieved at this information, I won't stoop to your level and draw inference as to why you might take objection to it.
  16. IronWarrior

    Why don't you just copy and paste it from a notepad file instead of filling half my screen with stuff that I see daily on scan.co.uk :/
  17. NovaAustralis

    - /report

    - when the in-game GM announcement message pops up send that GM a /tell

    - I feel you bro.
    Had a same faction TKer constantly target me and often the outfit I was in.
    For what reason, I can't fathom. (I suspected mental illness after a while...)
    It is shocking when you are suddenly killed far from the front lines and a member of your faction pops up on the kill screen as 100% responsible. (I expect a certain % in a bio lab fight for example... cos NC players are derps by nature... but not blatant TKing.)
    It's more disturbing when it's the same player over and over.
    You do start to look over your shoulder.
    All I did was keep submitting /report and sending a /tell to every GM that came on.
    Eventually a couple of the GMs told me that the player had been warned and any further TKing harassment would result in a ban.
    After a two month break from the game for other reasons, I haven't encountered this player again, so I feel safe in assuming the system does, eventually, work.
  18. IronWarrior

    Friendly fire everyone, it adds to the immersion and tactical game-play to PS2.
  19. p33pl

    Don't use /report and dont post here as it's not going to help your case, just put in an official support ticket like i did.

    It still took about 2 weeks being teamkilled after the official report but now i can just play the game without being teamkill hunted on a daily basis!
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  20. nubery

    Just as you obnoxiously inserted your endless intellect into this thread as if you're SOE staff, you cloud the forum with your obnoxiously long snippet of crap at the bottom of every post. I'm sorry you couldn't draw this conclusion by applying a small amount of common sense.