Harraser Nerf and a few things

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kassidus, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Kassidus

    Well getting pretty tired of the harraser , its made lightnings pretty much useless aside from skyguard, they tear through sunderers and even tanks far too quickly and are bloody hell to hit especially with a slow firing vanguard.

    They need a nerf to weapons, it should only be able to mount 2 types of machine guns, an anti infantry and a anti air, thats it and they need a nerf to the composite armor, its ridiuclous when maxed out and provides better protection than a lightning. or give the same thing to the lightning.

    Anyways its obvious this vehicle needs a nerf.

    Same goes for flash, machine guns only, i know your trying to milk f2p and get people to buy them in the cash shop but its just stupid.

    Next, give us 2 wheeled dirt bikes, 75 resources to spawn, faster than a flash and NO weapons, just a quick bike, since the flash has turned into a gun platform i feel it no longer servers its intended purpose.

    Next all tanks need a double in hp's and a reduction in damage to infantry, make them tougher but make them useful only against armored targets, and in order to give them more uses make base shields destructable only from consentrated and sustained tank fire and ONLY tank fire

    to sum up, nerf harrasers , make tanks better, give me a dirt bike. Oh and making base shields destructable will give engineers more to do, cause they are lazy :p
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  2. Brahma2

    While you are totally wrong, and your ideas are kind of ********... I'm starting to wonder if I'm really, really good, or if every Halberd harasser does as well.
  3. Zexis

    I want you to think about what you just said.

    I want you to think about that while you think about how (not) well a 4-wheeled ATV is able to keep from flipping in this game.
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  4. Spartan101

    Oh i can see the races from the warpgate now, everyone flipping and blowing up in the first 500 meters :D
  5. WycliffSlim

    "slow firing Vanguard" Vanguard is theoretically the easiest to hit harassers with since it has the highest bullet velocity.

    Harassers in general aren't a problem, the problem is that no one deals with them correctly. If you're in a 2/2 MBT and you lose to a Harasser(unless it's a Vulcan from the rear) then you deserve that death.
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  6. Tekuila

    Bit of both I'm guessing.

    Also the harasser wouldn't be such a problem if every other vehicle in the game hadn't been nerfed into oblivion.
    It just seems overpowered because it's the only one that can still perform like a vehicle should.
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  7. LordCreepy

    Well getting pretty tired of nerf harasser threads
  8. Ralathar44

    Let em keep the basilisk. They should still get all purpose weapons, just not dedicated AV weapons or at the very least the AV weapons they get need to be far less effective. A half damage version of the halberd wouldn't be so bad for instance, but with full damage they are actually more defensible than a MBT with their mobility and repair on the run while still delivered heavy anti-armor performance that can also paste infantry and aircraft.
  9. Ghosty11

    I love coming up against Harassers with my decked out AP Lightning. They are like "Look free certs!" until that first AP round hits and they turn tale to run. :D
  10. Slandebande

    It's still your own fault for letting a Vulcan-H get to your juicy rear uncontested ;)
    I do agree though
  11. Flying Mug

    What is the correct way to deal with them?
  12. AnotherNoob

    Shooting them with your tank, and keep an eye on the mini map to not let them sneak up on you.
  13. Ultramarine

    I disagree, simply for the harasser's inherent strength, SPEED AND REGENERATION. Said harasser if they know what they're doing, will strike, and be gone before the tank's turret can swivel to face them. Even if you land that shot, it'll run away at 50% health and its auto repair/engi in the back returning a few seconds later to drill into your tank more. They repeat until your vanguard is dead and there's not a damn thing you could do about it. Tanks typically will not win against a harasser 1 on 1, one runs away, or the tank finds a second tank. Two vanguards will stomp a harasser, but 1 jsut doesn't have the firepower to kill it before it's hidden behind the terrain.
  14. Pikachu

    Weapons will never be removed because there are people who payed money for them.
  15. libbmaster

    Oh shoot. I was going to make a thread suggesting that they remove faction weapons from the harasser, (like every other NS vehicle) and then the problem would be fixed. But I did not think of that.

    What if they got a full refund?
  16. Silver Fox

    That would mean sony would lose money, which they will not allow. I wouldn't expect them to. The ONLY way that would work is if they gave you credit towards a comparable replacement, and even then there would probably be riots on the forums.
  17. libbmaster

    But they would get the seven dollars back. It wouldn't go anywhere. And they would get to spend it on something else. Anything else.
  18. Silver Fox

    Chances are that money has already been spent on something, so any refunds would come out of SOE's pocket - dipping into their profits. That's generally a very bad thing for a company to do, especially one that has already had to downsize considerably. There's no guarantee that they would get that money back, unless it was credit.

    If it was in the form of credit, essentially giving those people a free in-game weapon, it might work, but said people would still be irate because all the work they have put into those previous weapons, from time to certs, would be wasted, and they would have to start over with a new weapon.
  19. Sovereign533

    I would agree to a certain extend of the OP. But the demanding language (s)he is using is automatically wanting me to disagree with him/her.
    Yes I agree the Harasser is to strong in what it does. It has to much hp (the glass windows have more protection against AV rounds then the heavy armour plating on the back of MBT's). On top of that it has the liberty to choose it's fights and make a dash when the odds aren't in it's favour. It is almost unhittable with conventional weapons (anything that's not spray and pray). And it can repair itself when it does get hit.
    On top of that it can carry armour specific secondary weapons that are designed to be against armour.
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  20. libbmaster

    Ah. I see.

    Credit is what I guess I was talking about. I assumed that it would be easy to just set the Station Cash counters on a bunch of accounts to +700, but now I realize that's silly.

    As for certs and time spent... I would also imagine that the certs would be refunded too. That way, you had the SC to get a new gun, and a bunch of certs to sink into it right off the bat, no grinding needed. But I can see how people would be frustrated.