Harasser NAR: Good Times

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dstock, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. dstock

    I know many people are not interested in Harassers any longer, but I felt I should share this.


    I'm trying to figure out if the value is correct, but it seems significantly stronger. I may have placebo from playing alts with rank4, but I'm trying to get a more precise estimate of the value. My current guess is that the tool-tip isn't bugged, it's accurate but attached to the wrong values. The rank5 effect seems to match the rank4 tooltip of 3.33%.

    Anyways, this coupled with FS & Turbo has already provided some good times.

    Feel free to leave opinions, positive or negative. Regardless, expect to see more Harassers in the field.
  2. Santondouah

    no delay for activation ?!
  3. dstock

    It has the delay, that is just missing from the tooltip. I'm 100% certain on that, I've tried it a few times now.

    It went from ~9% every 5 seconds (1.8% per second), to 4% every 1 second. That's a pretty substantial buff, especially on a vehicle that got resistance increases this patch.
    • Up x 1
  4. SavageBacon

    Is that rank 1 to 5 or 4 to 5?
  5. dstock

    That is rank5 yesterday to rank5 today. The big change is they cut the value in half, but they cut the delay between ticks by 80%.

    I spend a lot less time repairing my jump buggy. Sadly, NAR can't save you from everything...

  6. SavageBacon

    Well yeah the Harasser isn't unstoppable even with the awesome repair. I've generally been going stealth since composite doesn't really seem to do much, but I might have to look into NAR more.
  7. dstock

    I run stealth frequently, as well. They just cater to different weapons / playstyles. I really like NAR for hit and run AI or AA duties. Stealth is still king for AV.
  8. khai

    anyone checked other vehicles to see if this is across the board and not just harasser?
  9. Hoki

    Itt they'll prolly increase the delay to like 20 seconds, which is prolly a good idea for all vehicles.
  10. dstock

    I checked everything else. All other vehicles are the same, minus the Flash, which is identical to the Harasser.
  11. Angry Scientist

    It's so short because of the short lifespan of the harasser. They give up the sneaky ability of stealth or the increased armor from composite to have much less downtime between fights.

    For a vehicle that can take damage from any source, it's a strong buff to hit and run tactics. It allows the harasser to make a choice: try to survive long enough to be healthy again or stop and repair. Frankly, if ESF didn't dogfight, I'd demand they get the same as they fit into similar roles.