[Vehicle] Harasser Crews/Outfits Survey

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KoS-1, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. KoS-1

    Always been curious, if harasser crews or outfits had the same level of reputation as other vehicle groups.

    Who are the Famous, Infamous, Good, Average, Sad? Those who walk among us mere mortals.

    Who are these people or groups? Sound Off!!

    For example, certain lib or tanker crews/outfits are operating in a area. You know one has to bring their A game to combat them. Or on the flip side of the coin. You can bring your B game because there isn't much to worry about.

    Please, o'please no Vulcan whine! Focus on the time pre-buff. Please for the children....

    Who? Who are they? Who? Who? *guitar solo*
  2. z1967

    ECUS is fairly popular. They pretty much brought Harasser tactics back to life after the nerf long ago. Its pretty crazy to see the stuff they do.
  3. IvanCGray

    LOH are very solid as well, they're newish and small, but they do much the same sort of thing as ECUS.