Happy New Year - Please fix!

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by JibbaJabba, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. JibbaJabba

    I hope in the new year we can finally fix the #1 most complained about imbalance in this game, the cloak.

    Decloak on fire in particular, when combined with the unavoidable clientside mechanics of the game allow players to fire while still *effectively* invisible. It's broken and needs fixed.

    An invisible player in a PvP shooter was always asking for trouble. But it's never been balanced right, has damaged the game, and continues to do so. I can't get new players to stay. Inflaming the players that crutch on the mechanic will happen but the rest of the player base (and your valiant recruitment efforts!) needs relief from this burden.

    In Normal non-cloak engagements (even vehicle vs infantry!) the player gives input before dying. Losing is part of a feedback loop and fun is still had.

    What this bug does: Players given a negative consequence (death) without input due to surprise will always have an unpleasant experience. it's simply "tilting" to the player and bad game design. The fun had by one party has a disproportionate negative experience on another party.

    How to fix: Moving the "unfun" from one party to another by say removing the cloak is not the solution. However, focusing intently on what's broken about it (namely the exacerbations from clientside) reveals several solutions: Adding a 500ms delay to decloak, making the cloak be an item that must be switched to. etc. Buffing other aspects of the cloak would be fine.
  2. JibbaJabba

    Not just a gripe. Not just a nerf request.

    Clear problem that's solvable. Thanks for taking the time to read!