Had enough of esamir.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by whitescar911, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. whitescar911

    For the third straight day in a row esamir in the only map open when I log in and will be the only map all day. Why did you take away the players ability to set off alerts? Getting really sick and tired of fighting over the same bases.
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  2. Kristan

    I like it better than mundane Indarside.
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  3. Silkensmooth

    Yeah, i too hate esamir. Always stuck there and its just a big tank farm. Bleh.

    Need a new continent or two, stop wasting time on the incongruous construction system.
  4. Pacster3

    Skrew new continents. they get boring after 2 weeks anyway. Give us something to do on the continents. A decent construction system for example...
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  5. Silkensmooth

    Most people who play a fps dont want to do construction. Thats a different game. Which is why i said it was incongruous.

    If they were going to do construction, they should have allowed people to use the buildings that are in the game to build REAL bases that can be attacked. Place the construction locations along lattice lines so that they MUST be attacked to proceed.

    The current bases are UBER boring to fight against, and me and most of my friends avoid them like the plague.

    Not to mention the super annoying auto turrets.

    No, im sure that if you had a login vote and asked if people would rather have resources spent on the crapstruction system or a new continent, a new continent would win hands down.

    I'm not bored with hossin yet. I guess i dont have a short attention span.