Hacks in Game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by qiunn, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. qiunn

    I have played a lot of the SOE games starting with Everquest on launch, planetside on launch and now Planetside 2 from beta. The biggest threat to loosing me as a customer is allowing people to hack the game, AIM BOTs and other hacks. There is simply no reason to play against these people. I look at the leader board and the #2 person has 5000+kills and has died 18 times ???????????? I'm no genius, but thats a hackin sumbeatch. Ban these people expediently. No matter how much content you come out with nor how many weapons upgrades and progressions you fill this insanely awesome game with, if I/we (honest players) cant compete and enjoy the competition there is simply no reason to log in.

    Please bring the pain and get rid of the hacks.

    Thank you for an awesome game, simply brilliant.

    Level 3 Waves 10,40 and 100 gig transport specialist. Yes I built the transport this game runs on.
  2. Believeinsteve

    Screenshot next time, just blank out the names. I find even with aimbot 5000 kills practically impossible to do
  3. WilsonMG

    The in-game leaderboard is buggy and what it says isn't always true. For example for several members of my outfit it says they've only died 4 times or so compared to their hundreds of kills, but in fact they've died hundreds. Their kills are generally accurate though, just not their deaths.

    This seems far more accurate... http://www.planetside-universe.com/leaderboard.php

    Just plug in the name of someone with a 5000-1 K/D from the in-game leaderboard and hit "Get Stats" and you'll see their actual K/D ratio is much different.
  4. Mansen

    This specific bug relates to offline players not showing proper K/D stats.
  5. Miyoko

    I want them to give them the benefit of the doubt that they will be able to stop hacks stop the ones already out there.

    But I have 2 issues:

    -The game is F2P, it heavily favors hacking

    -Like you mentioned, Everquest. In case someone isn't familiar with the game, that game had and has Macroquest, it's a hack that has been running for a number of years and while the hack is relatively simple, SoE was unable (or unwilling) to stop it in all those years, it has caused plenty of drama and plenty of people running away from the game. What I'm saying is, their track record of stopping hacks, is abysmal. What they say and do are two completely different things.

    You never stopped hacking in Everquest, why should I believe you will stop it in planetside 2?
  6. MagicHamsta

    S/he could be a liberator gunner who's riding in a SCed out lib with a dalton taking advantage of the fact that people haven't been able to cert into AA.
  7. qiunn

    I just really want to know I am dieing in 1 second due to the fact the other player is just that much better then I am, Not some crap hack that's actually killing me. I have emptied clips into players running away, they turn and 1 shot me and show 100% health and 100% shields. How is that possible?
  8. lobby85

    i seen people flashing around the room almost randomly and killing me instantly.
  9. Bonga

    i don't understand that SOE don't just get a grp off ppl to live monitor the game and if some one get lots og head shots or hig kill streak flag. jump to them and ghost them for a cop of minutes or so .. .. and if they hack pop as a big ban hammer and smack them out of the game for all to see.

    the lag jumping around can just be normal server lag. happens to me to ones