I just had an idea for a new infiltrator grenade: the hacking grenade What does it do? It hacks the abilities of other classes allowing the infiltrator to use them against them. Effect on other Infiltrators: If they are not cloaked, it forces them to activate their cloak while still highlighting them in their faction colours similar to the effect of a darklight flasglight. If they are cloaked, it disables their ability to decloak for 2 seconds and also highlights them. Effect on Light Assaults: Activates their jumpjets on the spot, the light assault does not fly up, but still suffers from in air accuracy penalties. This effect only ends when their jumpjet fuel runs out. Effect on Combat Medics: Activating AOE heal or heal tool damages the medic or his allies for the same amount that it would usually heal them. Lasts 30 seconds. Effect on Engineers: Activating the repair tool damages the MAX, vehicle etc. that the engineer is repairing by the same amount it would usually repair them. Lasts 30 seconds. Effect on Heavy Assaults: Activates their shield, giving them the shield movement speed penalty, without actually giving them extra protection. Lasts untill the shield energy runs out. Effect on Lockdown MAXES: Forces them to activate lockdown and makes them unable to leave it for 10 seconds. This means that if a lockdown MAX is turning its back to you, you can throw the grenade and then unload into its back for 10 seconds without him being to do anything about it. Effect on Aegis Shield MAXES: Activates aegis shield and makes the MAX unable to deactivate it for 10 seconds, without actually giving it extra protection. Effect on ZOE MAXES: Activates ZOE but reverses its effects. The damage it does and its speed is decreased by the amount it is usually increased. It still keeps the decreased damage resistance. Effect on Sprint (Is it called that way? I dont play MAX.): Activates sprint (or whatever it is called) into the opposite direction of the Infiltrator. Thoughts?
Sooo basically you want a troll grenade? I'm all for it lol, infiltrator needs more sabotage potential.
Uhhhhhh, no. I'll tell you why. EMP used to do a lot of 'fun' things. For example, disable vehicles... Or disable maxes... In a setting with a lot of people, this becomes anti fun veerrrrrrry fast. The whole activate it without any benefits would only serve to piss people off. And for a lockdown Max to be unable to move for 10 seconds? Are you kidding? I'll say yes to sabatage, but this... It would be horridly broken. SMG infiltrators would abuse this so hard. It would also outclass EMP and frag by so much it hurts. Its a cool idea though, I'll grant you that.