Date joined, today, level 7, dozens of kills, no K/D, no score, single head shot with a Trac-5. Good reasons not to support this game anymore, too many hackers.
Returning veteran, chokepoints, and masses of enemy Infantry. He kills a lot of unique names as opposed to a lot of the same people over and over. The only things I'd mark as insanely suspicious are his choice of name and the turnaround between his being killed and resuming his kill streak. He gets headshots only rarely. Without knowing where he is defending (besides Amerish, as according to the Players Site), I'm going to suggest Tech Plant backdoors. Very suspicious, but not impossible to explain. Need direct eyewitness accounts to get any deeper. Also, the undefined statistics just mean the API hasn't fully updated his account data yet, so it has nothing to say. Edit: according to the Emerald Planet Status for Amerish, as of this post, I will deduce he must be at Xelas South Bridge. That is the only TR/NC frontline base that I can think of that may have Spear turrets. Edit 2: how do people even sniff-out random accounts like this? Edit 3: his pattern has shifted to a large frequency of unexplained suicides starting at 9:15 and still ongoing. No cause of death is attributed. Definitely trying to control his stats before the API catches up at this point.
He killed nine people in one second with two different weapons. Even with 100% accuracy and all headshots, that's not actually possible. Anyone that even attempts to explain away this BS as lag or clientside or 'skill' should instantly be viewed as a likely cheater as well. This is incredibly blatant, and there are no two ways about it.
Erm...killed by a sniper, continues killing people for a few seconds afterwards. With several different weapons. Actually, if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say lagswitcher.
Lucky mine/C4 detonated by frag grenade in a cluster of enemies (at vehicle terminal/sunderer/choke point during a crash into a base) could give you 9 kills with 2 different weapons in 1 second. Rare, but possible without any cheating.
yeah I have a question. Is it hacking or bot if I unload nearly a full clip into someone and they barely have damage taken and they shoot me one time and I'm dead? Also How is it possible to kill someone from behind a tree or from around the corner of a building or through a wall. Yall have heat seeking bullets now?
There are some good posts on the forums about how, when you die it is registered on the killer's client and not yours. Then how lag can account for it some things and some pretty exploitative things that some can do with lag. I don't think there are any hacks that can make it so you take nearly a full clip and live though. Ultimately, it happens to almost all of us, especially during large battles.
Here is a very detailed explanation of what you are experiencing:: (All credit to Wrel for the video) 0:57 explains clientside hit detection. And at 1:30 there is a detailed example, where the enemy barely take any damage even though it seems like he empties almost a full mag, while the enemy almost instantly kills him. TLDR: Its not hacking