HA running around with a SMG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by thelonegamer16, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. thelonegamer16

    So from what I have seen smgs are going to be given to every class? (please correct me if I am wrong) (if you have proof):D so what do you think about a HA running around with a smg?
    keep it civil please.
  2. Linedan

    Sure, why not?
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  3. Bill Hicks

    CQC weapon with shields ? yes please
  4. thelonegamer16

    sounds like it would be real fun: if i could play. lol sh*t comp. :D but i was just throwing it out there for u guys to discuss that actually play the game.
  5. MurderBunneh

    I like it better then a Infil running around with a SMG. Surprised no one has jumped on this. The QQ will be imense about invisible people shooting you in the back with a ttk so low you will not be able to react.
    People running low settings can not see cloaked Infils at all I would be interested to see the % of people playing on low. I know I have to turn them up to med when I get alot of Infils around.
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  6. Phyr

    I believe it's already been confirmed that SMG's are for all classes.
  7. Exolus

    Meh. I'll stick with my Gauss SAW/EM6/GD-22. I hate getting caught in situations where I can't kill someone at medium-long range.
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  8. Curse_Gamerkin

    Could of, should of been infil exclusive
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  9. Phyr

    Rocket launcher sniping. Learn it. Get called names for it.
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  10. HannaDest

    Dunno what to think. How good are SMGs ?
  11. MurderBunneh

    From what I gather lowest ttk outside of shotguns hip fire only no ads. So it will be like giving Infils a shotgun and we know how that went in beta.
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  12. Phyr

    Hipfire only would really annoy me.
  13. HannaDest

    Ah I see hmmmmmm

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  14. TheEvilBlight

    Debating how much worse it will be than going CQB with an LMG. Adv Laser Sight, aim at the neck, LMB-LMB-LMB, eat bacon.

    Or shotgun, or shotgun+slugs.
  15. SharpeShooter

    hahahaha funny *** post lol

    I cant wait for the smgs :) going to max everything on it right away and kick some booty!
  16. Rhapsody


    Example 1:

    Medium sized Battle... View range of Enimy infantry is around the Medium to Long range. (near max 'rez view' ). I'd say stick with LMG's.

    Example 2:

    Large scale fight, PS2's hard-coded Scalling view range, drops the range at which you see enimy infantry down to 30m.

    Use an SMG or Shotgun, because those are the weapons every single other class will be using at that range (except for LA's and Engies, they may prefer their Carbines still).

    They did that with Shotguns when they were first introduced. Infiltrators were able to use them.

    So many infiltrators dropped their sniper rifles in favor of the shotgun solely for the reason that their cloak let them close the distance to make it effective with little to no risk to themselves (whereas a Medic or HA with a shotgun still has to dodge bullets while trying to close the distance).

    This then lead to a BLANKET shotgun damage nerf... which made the JH (jack-hammer) practically useless. Then, when that still didnt bring the 'kills by weapon type' down to were they want it... they finally took them away from Infils.. but LEFT the blanket nerf in effect.

    If they give SMG's to infiltrators at the start... the same exact thing will happen.

    Mark my words :(
  17. Erik

    Yea but they are fairly easy to see when moving and die instantly. It will be very risk reward for them and wont be nearly as viable as other classes using SMGs. This may give them a little more viability within a base as they can protect themselves while hacking. Hopefully they will get more of a role later as well. Surely there will be QQ though.
  18. BH Brigade

    No, you can ADS with SMG's
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  19. MurderBunneh

    You are right those running high settings can see them easily. Those running low settings cannot see them even if they are jumping up and down right in front of their face. Hoping that they have tweaked the graphics settings a bit in the patch.
  20. MurderBunneh

    Ya you are right I remember it now from FNO.