Ha nanite shield question

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by scratch12367, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. scratch12367

    I was fighting a heavy assault and he used his shield and I hit him once with a shotgun and it just popped off is that nanite mesh gen
  2. Ashlander

    "just popped off" as in it did no damage? Im confused by your wording. The basic HA shield gives you a second shield amount unrelated to your HP/Shields that takes away health it could guard you with over time. The resist shield (upgrade option) is a way better choice because it passively reduces damage taken while its active and doesnt use battery life taking damage. it mitigates way more dmg overall.
  3. CHC999

    OP so...what is the question?
  4. Zaik

    Yes, NMG is a flat block of additional health. Resist shield is the one that persists through damage.
    • Up x 1
  5. Shasbot

    Yes, it's a buffer shield. It creates a temporary, additional layer of HP.