HA Dumpfire unnerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheMercator, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. TheMercator

    I think the HA's dumpfire rocketlauncher needs its higher bulletspeed back. Currently the drop of and the necessary lead are so high, that you can't hit tanks beyond 100m or so, hitting liberators or ESFs(the only reliable groundbased AA besides the Vanguards main turret) seems to be nearly impossible. I don't know why they nerfed it, since the speed makes nearly no difference when shooting at infantry.(The AA launcher is better at this because of better sights)
  2. doombro

    Did you ever actually test the stock launcher's velocity before it was "nerfed"? It was closer to 60 m/s than 100 m/s. The listed stats were incorrect. It was buffed, not nerfed.

    Shame about the decimator though.
  3. Littleman

    Infantry borne anti-vehicle counter-measures were always meant to be short range-ish. We're intended to work our way to the rear of a tank and blast it from there. Lock-ons tend to do considerably less damage for a reason because they aren't quite "short range." The AV mana turret breaks all the rules, and thus, needs a nerf.

    Ideally, like is best against like: infantry vs infantry, tank vs tank, air vs air, with some interplay between them. Unfortunately, we have rocket pods with splash, HE/viper rounds, and large gunships with a freaking tank machine-cannon, necessitating more and more effective infantry-borne counter measures because of their absurd infantry farming efficiency.
  4. Halcyon

    You mean dumbfire?
    • Up x 3
  5. Razeroth

    It is easier now tbh. SOE even made the trails arc more uniform so that you can learn them easier. It just takes a little practice.
  6. TheMercator

    pun intended