[Suggestion] Guys... when you get shields up on this game...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DonC, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. DonC

    You are going to end up devastating the balance of it.

    Thread carefully, that is the only thing I can say to you, no complains yet.
  2. Cougarbrit

    Is this a careful thread?

    Also, what shields? There's so many different shields I'm not sure which you mean. The dome shields?
  3. PieBringer

    He's talking about the shields that liberators will be getting in the same patch that gives them interiors, and destructable engines, weapons loader, and a generator for that shield, that all have to be kept repaired to function.

    Almost forgot, they'll also be adding doors that Light Assaults can kick open, and throw the crew members out of.
  4. Cougarbrit

    Not sure how many LAs will have powerful enough jumpjets to fly up 800m.

    Havent seen a lib 800m above the ground in ALONG time. not since launch.
  6. RipperTR

    Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.

    • Up x 4
  7. PieBringer

    Now my throat hurts from the raspy! :mad:
  8. DonC

    Lol, what?
  9. MiZrY

    That's true! You evil sith basterd!
  10. Cougarbrit

    Your server needs more Libs then. 800m is perfectly fine for Libs to bombard vehicles from.
  11. DonC

    Yes, dome shields.
  12. SgtBreastroker

    Ahh dammit I actually fell for that.

    The prob was 2 fold.

    1 was the incredible range at which pesky little maxes could smack around the large target that was a lib. So easy to hit lol. That problem, is fixed, and should help.

    The other problem is that the addition of massive bullet drop (even on the dalton) and slow projectile speeds makes vehicle sniping at 800m meters very difficult. Basically only stationary vehicles are prime targets. all others are guesses at best. Its a HELL of alot easier, and thus effective to go down to say 400m instead since your flak would be pretty much the same. Maybe this will change now, but as it stands, Libs are so easily killed, and produce such little damage unless used under 300m from the ground, that a new trend will likely not emerge. Libs need an overhaul. They are pretty much useless right now.
  14. Cougarbrit

    Oh definitely, it was only experienced Lib crews that could still kill stuff from up there, but my server has quite a few skilled Lib crews that still fly regulary. But they're pretty much the only Libs you'll ever see more than once, anyone else generally gets shredded by flak or ESFs within a few minutes. Libs aren't useless, just endangered and pretty much unviable to new players to use, which is basically the same as useless I guess.
  15. starlinvf

    This idea has a lot more potential then you realize. Maybe not with Libs, but just in general.

    *sees Hibgy reaching for the anti-BFR paddle*