GUO11 Vehicles cost and Purchase timer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mambakiller, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Mambakiller

    The increased cost in vehicle purchase should be in line with the acquisition reduction cert.
    As it is , maxed acquisition timer items such as MBT are not in line with the new increased cost of the vehicle purchase.
    Please take a look at this, it is not fair for those who acquired and invested certs in that feature.
  2. Rhumald

    gotta kinda agree, as much as some forum goers cry about vehicle cost maybe being too low, things like lightnings, harassers, and of all things the flash (150, really?) didn't need such a huge jump in cost, and if you remake the fighters right, neither did they...

    also, here's the link to the actual PS2 forum article: