Guns are OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kar98, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Kar98

    I'm reading all these threads about these different things being OP and you know what ... I think guns in general are OP. If I'm trying to knife someone I have to get behind them and take 2 swipes to kill them. If a ESF comes along what am I supposed to do?
    I've tried going LA and knifing the ESF in midair but he just doesn't seem to care. I think there's a serious flaw here, the fact that a single man with a knife cannot take down a ESF. Same deal with vehicles like the sunderer. It's got big inflatable tires and I can't slash them rendering it useless? Definetely OP.
    Whereas a big gun like a rocket launcher can not only kill it but do it from range and then replenish the ammo from a engineer. Why can't I replenish my knives from an engineer?
    I've also spent some money so that makes me more entitled in some way
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  2. Vlas

    I see what you did there...

    and I feel like it is too obvious.
  3. Luft

    Gameplay challenge: use only knives and C4.
  4. JohnnyMaverik

    I wish you could slash tires in this game to be fair xD

    Gameplay challenge: Only use the Flash, you can attach weapons if you want to be boring.
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  5. TheBloodEagle

    ^ haha, or at least leave scratch marks on peoples new camos.
  6. Darthbob509

    Thanks to this my faith in the forums isnt lost anymore.

    Im glad some people realize the situation the forums are in. ;p
  7. Kar98

    I'd give it a few months and see if it's still like this. Dayz started off a bit of a mess but it calmed down a bit
  8. bPostal

    As someone who plays this game with ~15-20 fps OUTSIDE of a major fight, knives are OP and must be nerfed or I'm quitting and/or will sue.
  9. Icebergg

    The knife pushes people,if they are near a cliff they will fall to their death. Gravity needs nerfed so it stops kill stealing from me.