Guide to being a good pilot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PresidentOfButts, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. SuperLexatron

    HAHAHAHA the same guy making nonsense posts with no real substance whining about A2A missiles (while in the same post posting a video of him reliably avoiding them o.0) and just spewing out general butt-hurt rage comments about the game.

    Unfortunately when your slightly-above-average player like this makes videos/streams of his gameplay, below-average players seem to look up to them as some sort of god in the game, and their word is law... such is the way of many average players who record their gameplay.

    If it is true he is gone, then thank god - the game is much better off. He is a product of what I like to call 'The self-entitled CoD generation' - and even then, that would be a huge insult to the CoD generation o.0

    Thank you sir, for this wonderful video.

    I'm actually gutted I spent the time to try and reason with this guy in the first place - time wasted, but at least now I know why I was unable to educate him ;)
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  2. Argento81

    Mommy wasn't fast enough with the hug, warm milk and cookies. It's not his fault.
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  3. Gramps

    It's been widely reported that the Blue Baron's final words were "GOSH DANGIT, LAG! THIS GAME IS KAPUTT."

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  4. Gramps

    I just watched it again, he's legitimately killed. The first volley of bullets didn't "lag", he was flying straight and got jumped and hit with an entire magazine from the first plane then when he turns he's hit by the other 2.

    The only thing more amazing then his absolutely ridiculous reaction to being killed legitimately is how people were defending him and agreeing it was lag in his stream's chat. What a bunch of lemming nerdy losers.
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  5. Xonal

    Watch earlier in the video in the lib, he is nearly in tears at one point there because he got hit by a dumb fire rocket and starts screaming about lag and how rockets flying past him are somehow actually the rocket that hit him and everyone playing are laggers.

    What he doesn't consider is:
    - Someone else fired a rocket at him also and missed
    - He most likely has Aspergers Syndrome
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  6. PresidentOfButts

    +1 for the Sperg diagnosis. He's got a touch of the 'tism, for sure.
  7. Gramps

    Just watched it again to make sure I'm not overreacting and giving him the benefit of doubt. He was undeniably ****ted on in a legitimate fashion.

  8. Jagged92

    Hey whats your name in game? And what server are you on?
    And if I do have tism, thats even more embarrassing for all of you on this thread because I can out pilot you even with your easy mode rockets.

    Actually why don't you all give me your char and server info and see who is laughing when this is fixed.
    Instead of hiding behind a forum and insulting somebody.
  9. Riftmaster

    Don't see why people are complaining about A2A missiles...I just got the things and it takes like 2 of them plus a bit of gunfire to take out a mosquito atm…not to mention liberators and galaxies, those things I could probably spend my entire missile load on and they would still be airborne…

    Plus I’ve had people avoid them…haven’t seen any flares, but if someone has some they would help.

    And then there’s always the enemy pilot with them or who is just better than you who you have to avoid being killed by…And also you must avoid anti-air fire from sunderers, tank secondaries, and the always dangerous anti-air phalanx turrets…

    By no means are A2A missiles an insta-win weapon…I get shot down all the same. Although last night these mosquitoes kept attacking one at a time…if only they had attacked together, or even 2 at once, I’d probably have been killed much sooner.

    Edit: Also the OP's video is not working for me here
  10. PresidentOfButts

    First off, review this video:

    Second off:

    1:49:20 You deny being on the verge of tears in your previous video at roughly 1:23:50. Most hilarious of all, you STILL think it was 2 hackers and a lagger who downed you. Its impossible to just be jumped 3v1 and lose, right?

    1:57:00 you randomly apologize for having said the "N word". You issue a gigantic blanket apology. You then correct yourself, saying you had said "***" at 1:58:45, which is a totally inoffensive word, right? Thats just what the internet needs, more casual homophobia. Check your privilege.

    1:59:50 You go on about plans to camp the warpgate to prompt me to ragequit. Honestly, I hope you do. If you spawncamp, you MAY even get a rage uninstall/reinstall combo out of me! Not like its unprecedented in PS2, amirite?

    Riftmaster: Probably for the best it not be viewed at work. Lots of random profanity during his tantrum. A shameful display.
  11. Jagged92

    Still waiting on your info...I will be coming back I dont know if you have seen me camp warpgates.
    this was when 1 skyguard was good enough to kill almost any air vehicle.
  12. PresidentOfButts

    Onslaught, Waterson. Get at me.

    EDIT: Camping warpgates, huh? Haha surely that'll help people take you seriously. Pad them stats, scrub.
  13. Jagged92

  14. PresidentOfButts

    Camping warpgates isnt stat padding? Also why are you concerned about A2A? It was a legit cannon kill that all 3 guys did on you. There were no hacks or A2A missiles involved.
  15. Jagged92

    Got any other chars that I should know about?
    EDIT: Any other chars I should know about considering you just lied to me about the char name Onslaught.
    No stats on a char named onslaught on PSU
  16. Jagged92

    You can see the bullets missing thats what i'm talking about.
  17. PresidentOfButts

    Nope. Got any other flavors of autism I should know about? And bullets missing isnt a "hack", its lag. Lag happens. I'd say "deal w/it", but obviously you're unable to, as your tantrum shows.
  18. Jagged92

    I never said that he was hacking I said he was lagging it was the other guy that was NC waiting to kill me in the warp gate that was hacking. and if I did say hacking then I meant lag switching which is pretty much the same thing just not changing code.
  19. Maximilious

    "I bet I can beat them in any ******* game they play" LOLOLOLOLOL.

    Then he says he gonna cheat on PS2 to make the community pay...

  20. Jagged92

    IF they allow hackers why not, you troll me here---I troll you there and could I get your info. Please and thank-you.