[GU04] Fixed the Under Barrel Grenade Launcher ?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by be.tibus, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. be.tibus

    Hi all,

    I played 2-3 hours yesterday evening and I felt like my beloved UBGL on the Solstice SF was not bugged anymore ?!?!

    Always reload, no more kind of "lag" for reloads, can switch between UBGL and Carabine without issue...

    I will need to play more to confirm but it seems too good to be true :)
  2. Takoita

    The arc is still terribad :(
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  3. RealityWarrior

    I bought the launcher about 4 days before GU4. I played with it quite a bit last night.

    I can honestly say I see no difference.
  4. be.tibus

    I tested it longer and it's good to confirm that everything is fixed for me :)

    The arc is not really an issue and it's good to have a One Shot Kill weapon as an engineer !
  5. JudgeDeath

    The arc is something extremely laughable ... I mean if you can throw a baseball more effectively then shoot with a granade launcher .. there is something wrong :D

    All due to game balance ofc .. but does it really have to be so bad it makes you wonder if each round comes with its own preloaded spring or is the launcher itself fitted with one.
  6. Stan

    I don't think it's an actual spring that launches the grenade. I gave my gun a shake and a slinky fell out...
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  7. vooodooov

    The bug where you cant switch back to one after placing turret/ammo is still in :(

    but i love this gun :)
  8. Vertabrae

    Actually feels like the arc is worse after GU4. Was using it in a biolab today, aiming at a spot I always use as a reference, and had to aim a bit higher to get the round to land in the same spot.
  9. Falanin

    I honestly wouldn't mind the bad arc so much if they'd change the aiming reticle to be more useful on it. I mean, they want you to use it at med-long range and the arc falls off the reticle at what... 20-25m?
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  10. Enxel

    I put my Solstice SF grenade launcher to a lot of use yesterday, got a few duds like 1 in 30 launches, and it still wont let me switch back to Carbine many times, causing me to do the dance of the fool in from of my enemies in CQC before I die :D