Grief for Outfits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SilverAura, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. SilverAura

    I mean this as non-sarcastic as possible because I'm genuinely interested in the answer here, however is there a reason why outfits get grief for hitting one another?

    I don't mean friendly fire here, by all means... keep friendly fire, it's necessary for this kind of game. However grief seems to be more of a policing system to keep friendly fire down to a minimum so people don't need to be afraid of their own people taking no consideration for their life in battle. However outfits typically tend to have a policing system of their own by simply removing people from the outfit.

    I'll be honest here, the main reason I'm asking is because it always seemed traditional in PlanetSide 1, once you've captured a facility and the area was secured, you pretty much killed everyone in your outfit. Now whether or not this started for any particular reason that had a purpose, it quickly become just a meaningless slaughter for.. well, fun.

    However with grief making even self-inflicted damage a grieving offense, it feels unnecessarily strict in the way of outfit members who are already likely to hold a grudge against being on the receiving end of unexpected friendly fire.
  2. Vlas

    So... did you have a point or....
  3. Thardus

    Why would you all start killing each-other when you cap the base. That sounds like a great way to let a more disciplined outfit slip a Gal Drop in unimpeded.

    That aside, while I would like the friendly fire notification to remain, I don't think you should get grief for shooting at squadmates. I remember in Planetside when we went to a locked continent and had a training night, running drills and showing the best methods of attack for the new members (such as myself) in our outfit. (Remember, always stay to the outside of the stairwell. ;))
  4. Gambles

    This thread is just dumb and is one of those few that actually does reasonably sound childish.
  5. SilverAura

    *sigh* Childish is such a harsh term to describe what was at one point in time just mild amusement. It wasn't like it was done ALL the time every single time. I was expecting a little criticism of the idea sure, but there's little reason to have been hostile.

    It's not like I'm sitting here trying to encourage team killing or loosen grief up in general and perhaps my scenario was from a different perspective, silly. However that doesn't mean that there aren't otherwise legitimate reasons why grief in outfits is a little extreme.

    I appreciate the respectful response so I'll respond to you separately. It wasn't an every time thing and usually never happened unless we felt secure. That said, I can see why the idea would seem silly from a different perspective. Your example of training (something else our outfit did extensively on locked down continents too, is a much more reasonable and perhaps better discussion toward the idea of loosening up grief on outfit members. Though as you said, keeping the notification is absolutely a good idea.