Grief causes, things that should be removed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SKYeXile, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. SKYeXile

    these things simply shouldn't give grief, i wont even make an argument for them as they speak for themselves.

    • Pulling a vehicle off the pad, mowing people when its in auto drive.
    • When a generator that you clicked on blows up and kills friendly's.
    • when a friendly kills one of your AP mines and is standing on it when it explodes...
    • Hitting squad members.
    • hitting outfit members.
    • Up x 2
  2. vilehydra

    I literally killed 11 teammates with the generator explosion. I was screaming at them to get the hell out of there.
  3. supahitecjetfyta

    • abandoned Engineer turrets
  4. BaconNoms

    • Being hit by a friendly drop pod while in a vehicle.
    No. Really.
  5. SKYeXile

    lol i use enemy ones as cover...
  6. ikon

  7. supahitecjetfyta

    • somehow managing to shoot yourself with a gun :confused: (did this today, got a kill assist on myself and a red warning)
  8. Vivianite

    a HUD warning should be used if you're on/in the path of a vehicle pad. i think that will lower the roadkill counts on friendlies
  9. Trysaeder

    How about they just PAINT THE ******* SAFE ZONES WITH GREEN and the dangerous zones with YELLOW LIKE IN REAL LIFE. It doesn't even need any coding.