GRG Grim Reaper Gamers (25+)

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by Audible Silence, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Audible Silence

    Outfit Name: Grim Reaper Gamers
    Outfit Tag: GRG
    Faction: NC
    Server: Genudine

    We are pretty casual group. We like to play games, some of us drink, some sober, some just wanna escape the wife and kids. Few of us played through some of the Betas, I personally played a little on the PC a few years ago. currently we have a few people rank 30+, others just starting that wanted to finish Batman First. Hope to see you online.

    Grim Reaper Gamers is an older gamer clan who are currently playing planetside 2 on Genudine, most of us joined the New Conglomerate Faction. . We also play COD:AW, Destiny,Battlefield, Smite, Neverwinter, etc.., basically we have gamers playing whatever you're playing. We're a bunch of sarcastic bastards that like to have a few beers, shoot people in the face and joke around. We are an active clan that runs multiple lobbies nightly and hosts a weekly private clan night. GRG is a casual gaming clan. While we strive to communicate and utilize teamwork we aren't mistaking ourselves as MLG players. We are accepting members of any skill range. We're just in it for the fun and competition.
    Requirements for joining Grim Reaper Gamers:
    Must be 25 or older.
    Must be able to take a joke and have a good time. We will swear and make fun of each other’s moms.
    Must be willing to participate regularly in game and in our forums.

    If interested apply on our site at
  2. Audible Silence

    Tonight is our weekly event to get eveyone together. we try to schedules these twice a week. Peak is between 8pm-11pm eastern, but players will be on before and after.

    Double XP was extended also so come join us.