Grenade Launcher vs MAX

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by ackerx, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. ackerx

    Will GL two shot it or only deal 50% damage?
  2. Iridar51

    I think UBGL does around 30-40% of stock MAX's health, but without testing there's no way to know for sure, as we don't know nor UBGL's direct hit damage numbers, nor if MAX has any resistances to UBGL.
  3. ackerx
    According this wiki and my memory in BETA (if not wrong), UBGL would 2 shot MAX in direct hit BEFORE the NERF.

    And I just found patch note said
    "UBGL Blast damage reduced from 1275 max damage at 0.1 meters to 700 max damage at 0.35 meters"

    So that means it was dealing 1275 damage at 0 meters and they only do 700 now?
    If it does 700 only then probably around 40% damage...omg
  4. Iridar51

    Never trust PS2 wiki, that crap is older than dinosaurs and was a lie even then.
    That's about splash damage. Basically, you can OHK someone with UBGL only with direct hit. Before the nerf you could OHK someone with splash damage alone.

    How much damage direct hits with UBGL do we don't know, hence only in-game testing can show how much damage UBGL really does to a MAX.
  5. starlinvf

    Its not that hard actually. Splash is disabled in VR, so it would give you an indication of the raw projectile damage of the GL.
  6. asdfPanda

    I thought splash damage was also applied on direct hits, else the harasser halberd wouldn't be able to one-shot infantry. It's a shame, though, that the nade launcher was nerfed to the ground. I have not used it lately, but it doesn't seem like a valid option anymore. Back when the game was at launch, and most sunderers ran mineguard, a single light assault could take out a sunderer; two c4, one ubgl shot. It deserved that nerf, but the rest? I'm not so sure.
  7. Kreantris

    The “Light anti-tank resistance” has been adjusted on several vehicles. “Light anti-tank” includes L105 Zepher, M40 Fury, M60 Bulldog and Underbarrel Grenade Launchers.
    • Liberator resistance to light anti-tank increased from 0% to 35%
    • Galaxy resistance to light anti-tank increased from 25% to 50%
    • Lightning resistance to light anti-tank decreased from 40% to 30%

    Underbarrel Grenade launcher Changes
    • Damage and accuracy values have been adjusted. The previous values were too strong for a weapon that has no resource cost limiter. The biggest change here is that an indirect hit will no longer kill a full health target, only direct hits will.
      • Blast damage reduced from 1275 max damage at 0.1 meters to 700 max damage at 0.35 meters

    Underbarrel Grenade Launchers: Increased direct hit damage from 750 to 800. This was mainly to give a slight damage increase against MAX units and armor

    These patch notes indicate UBGL are classified as Light anti-tank resist type and do 800 damage on direct hits with up to 700 splash damage.
  8. ackerx

    So I just spend sometime in VR and testing how much damage will UBGL did to a MAX. And I found it's about 60%.
    2 Direct damage and few bullet and MAX is down.

    Sounds good for me when I'm running out C4 but Trac-5 S itself is too weak plus UBGL is too weak to kill infantry.
    Guess C4 is still only way :/
  9. cruczi

    To my understanding, vehicle weapon splash damage is also on direct hits, infantry weapon splash is not.
    • Up x 1
  10. asdfPanda

    Thanks for clarifying.