Gotta love the crying

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YeOldeSammich, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. YeOldeSammich

    Reading some of these posts on the forums about "Vanu is OP" is hilarious. All these tears are delicious.

    Want to know why vanu won? Because they had the best person leading them. Lvlcap has had a ridiculous amount of time set into the game, it makes sense why people joined Vanu.

    Now yes I do believe SOE could have handled the event better (I do think the bastion challenge was a bit unfair. They really should have wiped the map before hand).

    As far as the weapons go, I don't think vanu weapons are OP. If anything needs to be changed I think NC weapons need a makeover IMO. To me Vanu has Accuracy, Tr has the Acc (especially with their three burst weps) and Dmg, and NC only has Dmg when it's a CQC fight. Their recoil is a bit ridiculous.

    But hey in the end, people will always cry about things. If either of the other factions had one people would be calling them OP.
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  2. AnotherNoob

    Tr has accuracy? give me a break... If you are going to make a thread like this, at least point out the real strengths of the faction...
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  3. Bejita231

    Lol @ TR accuracy, carv S would like a word with you

    All i see is crying from a vanu trying to protect his toys, anyone can see magriders and scythes are not balanced with prowlers and reavers, its like training wheels magriders isent enough for Vanu to get easy wins they have to also have turn on a dime training wheels scythes, i have no problem destroying Vanu all day, but anyone who is dumb enough to think there isent a imbalance is merly a blind monkey trying to protect his crutch
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  4. YeOldeSammich

    If you know how to fire them right. Their three burst weapons are great. My very first character was a TR and by far I loved those weapons.
  5. AdrIneX

    VS being VS again: "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil."
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  6. Wesrin

    People crying about Vanu being OP is nothing new. Now, what is funny to me is watching Vanu frantically defend their advantages, which are even admitted by Higby himself, in an attempt to avoid the nerfbat.

    I've played TR, VS, and NC (the former two pretty extensively, the latter not so much since it is glaringly obvious NC need some buffing).

    VS noticably outperform TR and NC with the majority of their infantry weapons. The lack of bullet drop, incredible accuracy (ADS, hipfire is not as great), and rates of fire that match (and sometimes exceed) the TR make their weapons the current standard by which all others are measured.

    And Higby said it himself: Magriders and Scythes outperform due to their agility/maneuverability.

    So. Yeah. Get ready for that nerfbat. Its not goiing to hit as hard as the TR/NC want, or the Vanu fear, but much-need changes are coming. Hell, they may go the other route and just buff NC/TR to bring it closer to Vanu's level somehow. That'd be fine too.
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  7. Playful Pony

    TR accuracy? You know, I'm not one of those constantly complaining about the balance in this game, I don't actually feel there is much wrong with the general balance at the moment. I have no bigger problems beating any enemy than I would expect. Please though, lets not atribute positive traits where they do not belong.
  8. JazzyMk

    TR doesn't need accuracy, you got 100 shots to kill someone. If you suck then you suck, don't blame the stats.
  9. warmachine1

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  10. YeOldeSammich

    As far as tanks go, i don't see enough NC and TR turning their tanks to the side or at a diagnol to strafe that way (reinforced side armour is an option). and Yes the ESF do need balancing. In my opinion if they tweaked the Reaver to be on par with the other two, i think that would solve a lot of problems. I fly scythe A LOT and when i get taken out by other air, it's 90% mosquitos and 10% reavers running into me.
  11. Ianneman

    Funny last-ditch efforts by the Vanu, now it has become obvious for ANYONE to see by the stats that the vanu are overpowered, to try to stop the nerfings.
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  12. soeguud

    As I mentioned in another post, their skill outmatches all other factions, and therefore they should be handicapped by way of vehicle and weapon performance reductions. This will bring more balanced gameplay, less QQ and VS skill will be brought to the fore.
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  13. YeOldeSammich

    I kind of wish I we could go back in time and have another faction win because it's pretty certain that if the TR or NC had won, they would have been called OP.
  14. Glowcat

    If TR or NC won with that much of a landslide then yes, they probably would've been called OP and people would've tried to figure out why. I'm not sure what stating the obvious does for our understanding though.
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  15. YeOldeSammich

    Honestly I think some of the world wide wins on certain servers were also due to timezones. Im sure at certain times on various servers a faction will own the entire continent.
  16. Ennkay

    That explains why you're vanu.
  17. YeOldeSammich

    I still play TR. I get killed on my vanu more by a TR than i do NC (then again this is on Sol Tech) so obviously there isn't much a problem with TR weapons.
  18. Ennkay

    Thanks for the facts and analysis bro.
  19. Rusky

    LevelCap spent his time faming infantry in a scythe, sorry.

    Vanu won because they are the OP fotm faction and I will also love the crying you're going to be seeing from the VS soon.
  20. Draxo

    He just undid his entire argument. That's hilarious.