Got Kicked from Server because someone else logged in.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DiveXx, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. DiveXx

    Hello, i just went ingame to play a bit on Miller since it seems i can't log in to Ceres due to whatever, after playing like 10 mins on Miller i received a message that i got kicked from the server because someone else logged in with my char/account, this made me worry alot. I can't understand how this can happen, never shared my logins, i didn't lost any things till yet and nothing happend it just feels like something was wrong with the detection. This happend now twice in about 2 months so not often, ofc i changed my password after i got this message ingame. Can any admin help me with this problem? i spent SC on my stuff and i worry that i could lost all the stuff if someone really attempted to get on my char. Thanks in advance.
  2. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    Please open a support ticket with us and we will be happy to re-secure your account and check and see if it has been accessed by any other IP addresses to determine if your account has been compromised. Please let me know if you have any additional questions in the mean time.
  3. Total_Overkill

    Go through all your account details, double check the passwords, double check the email, etc. If you are REALLY paranoid (and i would be at this point) Edisk/reinstall your OS... punch any sibling you have in the face, or spank any child you may have, just to be sure.
    After your fresh install, change every password on everything you have, email, paypal, game accounts, everything.

    ... or do nothing.
  4. DiveXx

    First thing i will do is writing a ticket and let them check the logins, then we'll see :)
  5. Total_Overkill

    And next week when SOE customer support gets back to you, and your paypal account is hacked? Then what?
    This isnt something you wait on to see if its a false positive.
  6. DiveXx

    I got REALLY hard passwords so it can't be that someone guessed it , i use a random password generator for all my PW's since these are really hard to guess. What is really wierd is that when someone really got my logs and stuff, why he just logs in once and then never again, and don't even buy stuff with SC or anything else o_O.
  7. PureHunger

    Wow, I can see how you got your name, Total_Overkill. But you've forgotten one thing:
    Original Poster should change his last name and move out of the country, for security purposes. Also, always run PS2 via Proxy and password-compress the game files after every game session.

    But in all seriousness, I hope the staff at SOE will help you out, OP! Good luck with your account recovery, hope it won't take too long.
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  8. DiveXx

    I got no paypal at all, i just pay with those Prepaid cards ala buy , get, and throw away.
  9. VSDerp

    Good Luck DiveXx. Hope you get you're account recovered.
  10. DiveXx

    Thanks for the kind words ;), security is my number 1 thing on the internet , i got a really good AV programm, even used NoScript for quite some time, firewall is always activated and stuff like this.
  11. DiveXx

    thanks, well we can't really talk about recovered since i still got my acc and PW didn't changed after this message appeared (ofc i changed my pw afterwards) but i already wrote a ticket if they could check the IP's which accesed my account :)
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  12. Total_Overkill

    Hackers do the same thing in other MMO's, just probe accounts see what level they are, how much gear they have, see if there is profit in stealing and selling the account. Cant trade SC or certs, so theres nothing to steal but your account and your characters. You said it happened twice, so be worried.
  13. VSDerp

    hope it was a bugg or something. did you have SC on it?
  14. DiveXx

    Lets wait for the outcome of the ticket, i got nothing pretty much nothing to loose , got no CC info or stuff like this, no paypal ect.
    And this was the first time something like this ever happend to me, and that was just in PS2.
  15. DiveXx

    some, 600 to be exactly, not that much though.
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  16. Eisler

    Same thing happend to me just now on Miller hm...
  17. DiveXx

    Really wierd isn't it ? i can't remember it but i think the first time also was on Miller, btw i just changed all my passwords, FB, Twitter, email ect.
  18. P4NJ

    It happened to me too. I think it's because I tried to log in to Ceres, then quit and tried to connect to another server. Apparently the login request lingers and when it is addressed by the server, it thinks that two characters from the same account are logged in and kicks you.
  19. Eisler

    That makes sense as i tried ceres before miller
  20. DiveXx

    Im interested what will be the outcome of the ticket , really interested in this.