Good luck NC & VS pilots.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Fed, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Fed

    TR AA MAX in lockdown is BEAST.

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  2. Tekuila

    Sweet jebus.
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  3. Van Dax

    strikers and lockdown bursters: might as well just take the scythe and reaver out of the game. ( note I'm not saying strikers are op and get lots of kills, I'm just saying they stop aircraft from going close to bases while bursters kill the ones that do)
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  4. Backf1re

    Holy **** that is insane!
  5. Torok


    Challenge Accepted
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  6. Fenrisk

    What about the VS MAX ZOE AA? any word on that?
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  7. GraphicJ

    Your Sig has me cracking up.
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  8. Garmr

    This man has solid thinking

    Not only that but their new AV weapon does absurd damage on its own, let alone with the damage boost.
  9. Yil

  10. Volccis

    TR - Anti-aircraft faction
    NC - Anti-vehicle faction
    VS - Anti-good faction
  11. Nobalification

    VS are anti-hetero i think :I (no offense)
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  12. altonyc

    None taken. Made me laugh quite a bit, actually.
  13. Van Dax

    IMO they should keep the zccuracy of the starfire low as it is, does quite a bit of damage but is pretty inaccurate at range.
  14. Lyel

    I just pooped.

  15. skoorviel

  16. XRIST0

    wow .. that is awesome

    But the QQ is going to be intense with this one , i dont think lock down should affect bursters .. abit unfair
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  17. jjruh

    Actually, good luck NC pilots, the VS get a extra damage ability, and the TR get a rapid fire ability. and what does the NC get? a shield. So I would be just as worried about VS AA maxes as TR AA maxes.
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  18. Lyel

    Lockdown has many drawbacks, so i dont really see that big of a need to nerf. Bases are open enough for LA's to flank them, no problem.

    I will say, however, that the NC REALLY do need a buff for the Riot shield. I'm all for Factions having advantages over others, but this kinda goes beyond that-

    1. Needs an upgrade to its damage intake. 2 dumbfires bringing it down is not ideal, it needs to certainly block more than that.

    2. Needs to allow the second gun to fire. The mere fact that you can't while it can take damage really ruins the whole purpose- make it immune entirely to damage if you're gonna restrict us like this. Otherwise, why would we use this? If you want to set up a defense around a point, use turrets, they're cheap and offensive. This just can't really do anything, as opposed to Lockdown which is DROOLING with possible tactics!

    3. Speed up the movement IF YOU DONT ALLOW US TO USE OUR SECOND HAND. If you will, then fine, keep em slow.

    and finally

    4. An increase in the size would be nice. Maybe make it curve slightly around the model...?
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  19. ItsJustDash

    Making a note here... TR Air Space will be clear of ESF... go to Vanu Air Space.
  20. Riekopo

    Oh man, I can barely survive contact with AAA in any aircraft as it is.