[Suggestion] Gold/Auraxium Camo - Epic Directive?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, May 12, 2016.

  1. PasitheeVS

    I suggested this one several times and have to do it again.

    There are two things the game needs:

    1. An epic Directive
    2. An epic Reward

    A lot of players are already BR 120, have bought everything possible with certs, completed most directives, have a high directive score... and some have this all together.

    So at some point you finished the game. You can start "a new savegame" by playing an alt on one of the other two factions, but this is like doing the same things again and again...

    My suggestion is to implement an epic hard-to-do directive.
    On the Last tier the objectives should be:

    - 100.000 Infantry Kills*
    - 100 Auraxium Medals
    - 10.000 Vehicle Kills*

    *not retrospective

    The most important reward should be either a Gold or an Auraxium Camo.
    Alongside with maybe 10 times the normal directive score at each tier (50,100,250,1000), a cool Banner, a Title and maybe (also) something else.

    This is no directive you finish like 1 month after it is released, no. It will take a year or more. You also can't pad with a few weapons, you have to diversify, play and master every part of the game. (or most). At least if you don't already have 100 Auraxium medals...

    This will distract most people (like the Black Camo directive did in the first few months),
    however it's not for the average casual player, it is for the dedicated PS2 Players.

    Btw. Yes, there are way more than 100 Weapons in the game for each faction (even only those that can be purshased with Certs are enough (not to mention Exceptionals, Black&Gold variants, Directive Weapons))
  2. Demigan

    I would already be happy if you got something special for auraxiuming every single weapon in a single weapon class you can buy with certs.

    For instance the easy one's: Aurax every SMG including the aurax version.

    The amount of weapons would determine the goodies you get. Something like shotguns would score low goodies because there arent a lot of shotguns. But getting every single certable LMG and Carbine would score you better goodies.
    • Up x 1
  3. Liewec123

    i was already thinking that solid gold camo is about the only thing that hasn't been added yet :p
    though i doubt they'd add a weapon camo since they make sales from gold guns

    (also rainbow camo for vanu needs to happen!)
  4. FateJH

    You what this game? How?
  5. PasitheeVS

    The Gold Camo: Or they could just sell it for a ridicolous high amount of db-Cash, let's say 4-5k, while they make an auraxium camo directive.

    The Gay Pride Full Spectrum/Rainbow Camo: This would also be nice. The only problems I see is that camos (in the Player Studio) can have max. 4 different colors... maybe it would be OP on infantry because it could be mindfacking...

    [Edit] or something I suggested months ago:

  6. Diggsano

    First we need good Directive Pistols changes
  7. stalkish

    He single handedly defeated the TR opressors and VS extremists, and won the war in the name of NC.

    He now has a statue of himself set right atop of the crown.