"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. "J

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by thehumanslayer12, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. thehumanslayer12

    This was originally posted on another NC clans forums by our Dear Leader, but it needed reposting because this issue needs addressing 'now' rather than later and figured posting it here would get more attention.

    Had a quick chat to Ghostpup about a few things, first of all about trying to organize an actual fight on Esamir, because the Vanu 4 platoon zerg has been starting to turn from an occasional thing to a day in day out thing, if we don't want them to to keep capping Esamir in an hour or 2 day in day out we gonna have to actually get organized and coordinate if we want to not get steamrolled. I ain't talking UCA organization where a bunch of people like to have a pretty little badge that makes them feel important, that ain't what I'm about, I'm about getting **** done aight. I work with CSTB and/or ACNS (link) near every day, and a scheduled session every Saturday 7pm PST and I regularly work with both TTOL and TUBB and am often the first to respond to a call for backup regardless of odds. Best intentions don't mean **** if we don't back it up with action, I ain't talking about making a pretty little UCA badge sorta thing, I'm talking about getting a few active leaders to get out there and lead from the front, to get **** actually moving cause I'm getting sick of the NC running around as zerg instead of as a faction. Sure once we get some momentum going maybe consider polishing the turd and making it formal (and only including those who actively and regularly work together), but if we don't get some momentum to begin with I ain't gonna waste my time.

    Like I said had a chat to Ghost to try n get you lads onboard, fought alongside Duncan from BinC today and he's got the balls to meet 200-250 guys with 30-40 head on (my kinda guy) so will have a chat to him and see if we can organize something. Trudeus from CSTB said he's gonna contact ADK and COLG to try n get some extra numbers cause he gets along with em fairly well (I'm perma banned from ADK ts3's (long story)(I got a way with people, would be quicker to list the respectable establishments I'm not banned from)) and I don't know COLG too well so will leave him to go for it on that, if you got anyone you can contact to help meet these 200-250 guys head on on a daily basis please do so, more the merrier. You can bet your left nut I'll happily be front n centre of every defence or advance ruining my KD trying to do the team thing (no really, I'm not sure how my KD is positive even though I only 'ever' go to where the NC is getting its butt whooped, usually at 30-40% pop and trying to drag victory from defeat, its a **** of a job but someone's gotta do it), but I'd very much appreciate some backup so its not for nothing. Even then, I ain't going out like that, lets take em on, and shove our bayonets so far up their nancy boy, spandex clad ***** they ain't gonna be able to root for a year.

    I've seen NC have 48+ in a battle and be less than 20% pop 'on several occasions', we need to coordinate if we're gonna counter that or we're gonna keep losing a continent within a couple hours, they been known to drop drop 200-250 guys at a tough nut to crack, aside from the strategic side urgently needing addressing, how many 500 man battles you been in?

    Tune into Command Chat Tomorrow, my Dear Leader will be Hung Over, but still be kicking **** up people's *****. Don't worry about that.
  2. blag

    Just let them have it, you NC idiots couldn't organize in this game if your lives depended on it.
  3. thehumanslayer12

    True, but what about you?
  4. thehumanslayer12

    I do agree that the NC are idiots, but they just need some help. The NC is very Overwhelming when we are in groups, not Lone Wolfs. I mean look at the vanu. It takes them 200 soilders to capture a Tech Plant the NC control. But takes 1 or 2 NC to capture a Vanu Controled Tech Plant. The NC does all they can. The vanu, not so much.
  5. LuminousBlades

    My outfit leader once told me that NC used to beg for leaders on yell chat on waterson a long time ago. Lol. He also remembers making an alt and helping organize them once in a while. Too bad. NC's got their crap together on Waterson now.
  6. thehumanslayer12

    I would love to be on Waterson, but here on Connery, its crap. All NC, fall back to Waterson again.
  7. strangulate

    Until some in the NC fiqure out that they are a cancer that needs purging, there is no hope. Some pride themselves that they are a zerg, but the only thing that is provided to the enemy is free xp!
    • Up x 1
  8. thehumanslayer12

  9. thehumanslayer12

    If I may translate young jango for you (a friend of our clan who we regularly work *with*), he said 'get ******'. So NC runs into a spot of trouble that can be easily countered if we simply work together, but instead of trying to get some actual teamwork going as we have done have done, you try and use the old 'problem, reaction, solution' method to emotionally manipulate young clan leaders into joining your clan for some extra numbers? That's low man, you work in marketing don't you? See people as numbers rather than people? Don't get me wrong if any clan leaders are looking for a merger I'll personally put dozens of hours into each Officer Candidate and every soldier and turn them into some of the best the NC has to offer (done it before) but comeon, at least try and do something for the good of the whole would ya. We're The Bastards, not even we sank that low, we've been trying to work WITH people not trick them into working FOR us.
  10. strangulate

    First of all we dont need more numbers, second take my post anyway you want because I could care less what you as a player have to say! Third if you trained them I dont want them....
  11. JohnnyRadman

    Sorry about the wall of text, NC commands been pissing me off for like a week now, when I get irritated I have a hard time finding the 'volume knob'.

    ***** please you'd be lucky to be half as good as the sort of Officers I pump out, I don't just teach them techniques I near enough break them down and reprogram into 'thinking' like an Officer, attitude, technique, I make the complete package, and they thank me for seeing potential even they didn't and making the most out of it. That wasn't me who described the result like that either, that was a neutral third party (though I think the term he used was 'brainwashed'). Guys I train can take on and beat double their number easy money and often do.

    You could care less what me as a player has to say? Yeah that's a good example, yeah your real good Officer Material. **** man you already failed one of the basics of leadership.
    "Encourage and listen well to the words of your subordinates. It is well known that gold lies hidden underground" - Nabeshima Naoshige.
    "Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death" - Sun Tzu.

    Yeah we need more Isolationists, that'll fix it. [PG] is part of the problem not part of the solution, I've never once heard [PG] on command chat, never once heard [PG] move to reinforce someone, never once seen [PG] work with 'any' other member of the community. I'm always communicating and trying to help out, often the first guy to respond to calls for backup, especially when they are heavily outnumbered, if someone needs backup and I'm online I'll often drop what I'm doing just to go help another NC out cause hey, someone's gotta fight the hard fights and back ****ers up when they outnumbered, hell that's the main thing I do in Planetside, ruin my stats going to where we are at our worst to try and pull victory from defeat.

    I don't just pitch in and do the team thing on field either, I been organizing community events as far back as April last year (though I ain't bothered with em for a few months, wasn't getting anything back from the community so said '**** yas'), I've organized 150 man Dogfights (FNO 36 I think it was), 200 man Tank Battles (ok I'll admit that was a bit of a cockup, I was meant to be running it but my computer crashed every time I went anywhere near it). Some of the earliest Inter Clan Scrims if not the earliest (you remember [AMEX]? Used to duke it out with them every weekend), I done it all man. I organized another alliance with a few crews that actually works together cause I got sick of everyone in the UCA being soft and never actually doing teamwork. In general I didn't get that whole UCA biznis, people signing up for an alliance with the objective of working together and never actually doing it, ain't sure about you guys but I do what I say and say what I mean, I just ain't wired to be able to say I'll do something and then not do it. And here I am now trying to organize the NC to counter both the TR and the VS who have been running around with 200-250 man zergs cause ghost capping just ain't been cutting it, been doing it every day for the past week, why? Cause someone has to.

    Have a chat to JohnnyRocketFinger here. I ran into him at warpgate on his own as a small clan leader. I coulda used my powers of charming for evil and absorbed his guys, but you know what I did when I heard his clan was starting out? I built and lent them forums, I lent them TS3, I offered him advice, and generally helped him out, why? Cause I'm not an *******. In fact here's what he had to say about me and my lads :
    "The Bastards are a bunch of wonderful people. Not only are they physically attractive, but they shoot straighter than a road to hell and leave a hole twice as big. They've provided me with nothing but assistance in establishing my own smaller outfit, and I've provided them with nothing but trouble in return.
    Needless to say, I would happily bear their children, and even give their Glorious Leader my firstborn if he so desired." - JohnnyRocketFinger
    Maybe you should try helping some of the smaller clans instead of putting them in the grinder and spitting them out useless?

    The last thing the Connery NC needs is more isolationists. We're not getting beat because of lack of numbers or training, my guys can and have taken on and beaten the best the TR and VS has to offer, and we're often even pop with em on a server level. We're getting beat cause of lack of coordination, how has NC failed to see that? And why are they so militantly refusing to address it?

    My daily Planetside 2 routine lately : Log on, populations even, NC starts getting overwhelmed somewhere, I go there with the lads, NC starts to rage quit I try and ask command to work together to counter it, command says 'no we shouldn't counter the guys capping entire continents in 2 hours we should ghost cap, NC continues to rage quit, NC gets pushed back to warpgate or near enough, NC continues to rage quit and we're like 20% pop on that continent, command says 'hey why did we get warpgated', I call them idiots. Repeat next day.

    Oh yeah and it wasn't just repeat next day today like it has been for the past week on various continents, today we had a 3-4 platoon horde coming from both the Vanu *and* the Terrans on Indar, pushed us back from Indar Excav to warpgate in an hour, biggest fight I saw on the TR/VS front was like 3 squads, what did NC command do? Sat on its hands and actively refused to cooperate and work together to achieve a common goal.

    I am not passing this on for someone who has a mild case of perma ban (long story short he's one of those guys who can't stay outta trouble, was working shift work on the official forums, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, but hey, the place was a lot more alive when he was there, it had personality its sorely lacking now)

    Think of it this way. 'we have an opportunity to have 500 man battles, how many of them you been in? How badass would that be? And not just that but make it a daily thing, and what is NC doing? pussying out and crying in the corner, I ain't going out like that'.

    You wanna do something that helps the NC, when I'm there tomorrow outnumbered 10-1 trying to stop a continent cap like I have been every day for the past week for an hour or 2 on end, grow some balls and fight alongside me, and help me persuade a few more NC to take the fight to em, all we need is at least 2-3 Platoon Leaders at least working 'together' rather than actively refusing to and we'll be fine, we won't be losing a continent in under 2 hours every day then.

    My laywer has advised me not to confirm or deny if I passed this on text wall in place of someone who is perma banned.
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  12. Rlanderin

    Well said, I have had very little interest in joining an outfit, although, after reading this response my curiosity in The Bastards has been piqued. Perhaps I will have to reconsider my current style of play.
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  13. JohnnyRadman

    I personally have no gripes with any of the outfits. I think the NC does have some good ones. Problem is that we're inundated with new guys, and we're fighting some well seasoned and consistently active TR and VS outfits.

    When people are presented with the faction choices, they get the TR: a "republic in name only" (fascists)
    The VS, which sound like some sort of theocracy. (creepy cultists)
    And the NC, which are idealistic freedom fighters. (good guys)
    You can probably guess which one they choose.
    This problem is accentuated with some of the larger outfits like 666 running into trouble, costing the Connery NC some backbone. ADK still exists, but to my knowledge, they don't perform any training for their recruits (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    Ultimately this culminates in a situation where you have many people joining the faction, but few people actually learning how to play. The outfits which make up the backbone of every faction are incapable of supporting all the excess weight. They can no longer direct or control the flow of people with their presence. People follow the pop, and when a large enough outfit is operating in an area, they follow it. NC outfits are no longer large enough to control or direct the zerg, essentially.

    With that in mind, I think if NC on Connery want to be successful, working together is essential. But we should also work to teach people, even if they aren't in the outfit.

    When I'm running public squads, and I hear there's a new person, I hand lead over to my first mate, and I just sit down and talk with the guy. "Here's what to do, here's what not to do. How do you like to play? This is a good class for you then. I'd recommend these weapons for that class. Here's some advice on outfits" and so on and so forth.

    But I cannot place enough emphasis on working together. I've seen command pull together before, and it's amazing what they can get done. It would be lovely to see that more often.

    Ultimately, arguing with one another doesn't produce results. Even if we can't agree to work together, just working to teach new players the game will make a huge impact of the performance of the NC over all.


    The Bastards are a fun group. I'm JohnnyRocketfinger by the way. Server name, anyway. I usually prefer JohnnyRadman. Their Leader will bring you up right, not a doubt in my mind. All the RNGA guys I've had the pleasure of running with are top notch.
    • Up x 1
  14. Rlanderin

    Ah, I apologize, after conducting a friendly search of your name on "Players" I was incorrect in assuming that you are aligned with The Bastards. As The Bastards do sound like an interesting group my comment was more in effort to applaud your retort, and to convey my piqued curiosity in you JohnnyRadman, as proficient leader.
  15. JohnnyRadman

    Nah man, that aint me. I'm the guy that their leader, Ace, propped up. I've got my own little band of misfits, The Torch of Liberty. We're growing, but we're much more prone to chewing the fat than getting anything done. We're working on that, but we need to get bigger before we can make a larger difference or start using tactics. But I guess that's enough about me.
    If you're interested in The Bastards, check'em out here http://www.thebastards-clan.com/
  16. Rlanderin

    I thank you JohnnyRadman, you seem to hold The Bastards with high esteem. I believe you have sufficiently inspired me to satiate my curiosity and look into The Bastards as an opportunity to better myself as a member of the NC.
  17. JohnnyRadman

    I do like them quite a bit. I don't think I'd be where I am today without Ace. He helped teach me a lot, and helped me stick through it.
    Tell you what man, Ace and I occasionally run Ops together. Not often, since I feel like my guys and I usually aren't good enough to be running with The Bastards, Ascension Company, or Conglomerate Strategy and Tactics Bureau (that's the normal ops group). However, I look forward to playing with you at some point. You seem like a good guy. With excellent diction and grammar, might I add.

    Anyway, the thread's been sidetracked. This should be for the discussion of improving the lot of Connery's NC. My personal opinion has already been stated; build the NC's back bone up with coordination and alliances, and help teach the large influx of new players how to play the game (and while we're at it, how to behave. The amount of smack talk I see coming from the NC for their massive zerg victories is just terrible).

    Do you have any ideas regarding how to improve the NC? You seem like a smart fellow.
  18. strangulate

    Well let me first say that if you would open up your eyes and look around you would see praetorian guard is always at the front! And you talk about killing your stats by going up against overwelming odds, but in reality you are just a bad player. Third you talk about supporting the community, but how do you do that with over 56% play time as a light assault. I could think of a better class to provide support to other players.
  19. sauna

    I've played FPS games both casually and professionally since Quake 1 and I've never seen the same level of stupidity and cowardice as I've seen by NC on Miller - in any game. I know there are plenty of dumb ***** in all games and on all sides but this is beyond anything else.
    So maybe it's something this specific empire attracts in people. I dunno :/.
  20. kaptinkrunch88

    I had pledged my outfit to an alliance with PG and CSTB but after reading the personal attacks and name calling b*llsh*t I now withdraw that support. I will continue to support NC requests on command chat whenever possible but having my outfit tag associated with the junior high dick measuring you've put forward is of no interest to me.