[Suggestion] Global camo layouts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tribalbob, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Tribalbob

    This is obviously a low-priority thing compared to most other features, but right now I use my three available loadouts for three exact copies of the same loadout but with different camo schemes. This is so I can quickly swap out each time my outfit up and moves out to a different continent.

    It would be great if I could define a global camo layout for each continent. Say, select a weapon camo, an armour camo and a vehicle camo. Then I could just head to the resupply station, select my loadout, select the camo preset and bam!

    Definately help once we get another continent with a different scheme.
    • Up x 3
  2. AstroCat

    Yes some kind of camo "outfits" would be really helpful. I find myself switching armor and weapon camo between night/day, different continents and different situations. When you have 3 loadouts and several classes this becomes a bit of a pain. It would be nice to save camo sets I could choose from which could be assigned to each loadout.

    Also, on another note, a way to change your active vehicle's loadout/camo would be nice as well.