[Suggestion] Glide Cloak

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by SpaceKing, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    As an Infiltrator, I'll often find myself high up on a perch, but I'll see a better one below - across a large, impassable gap, or I'll be on a hill and just out of reach is the wall to a fortress I aaaaaalmost can jump to. Sometimes I accidentally fall off my ledge and splat to the ground below, or climbing down from from my sniper perch takes so long I miss the Sundies to the next waypoint.

    So I got to thinking, what if there was a sort of parachute-like cloak?

    While cloaked, gravity is reduced 30% (allowing you to jump slightly higher) and 45-60% (depending on cert level) of your downward momentum is converted into forward momentum, forward here meaning the direction you were moving when you started the glide (No making funny turns like LA's jetpack). You have only about as much control over your descent as you do in a drop pod. You'd also not take fall damage, like when using an elevator/push pad thing.

    As a downside, while cloaked and in the air, a 'shimmer' effect similar to those seen under Magriders would be around your chest, making you slightly more visible to anyone paying attention. (This wouldn't appear if you're on the ground)
    Additonally, it's drain and recharge speed is the same as the Nano-Armor cloak - lasts 5 seconds (certable to 7), takes longer to recharge (I forget exactly how long the NAC needs to recharge)

    It would serve as an escape route for sniping Infiltrators whose position is overrun, to float to unexpected sniping positions, or to get behind enemy lines quickly, giving Infiltrators more mobility without having the power or versatility of the Light Assault's jetpack.

    Also for interesting Galaxy drops.
  2. Timeraider

    Ah, something like the LAs alternative jetpack, which allows gliding...

    hmm.. i would still prefer to see things like Stalker cloak in first.. but not to bad of an idea..

    it would be fun to use the Crown to glide to TI alloys or Ceres or something ;P
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