[Suggestion] Give XP for defending a base.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SLiCKRiCK, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. SLiCKRiCK

    Why is there no XP for a successful base defense? I see people all the time just drive by or leave because they would rather get XP from taking over a new base rather than get no XP for defending one. Seems like there should be some XP for defense as well.
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  2. HadesR

    Well you do get bonus XP for action's taken while defending a base just no X amount at the end like you do when capturing it ..

    What they should do is leave the bonus XP but also add a lump sum on a successful defense based on your contribution ..

    IE: While defending you earn 1000 XP .. On a successful defend you receive 10% of that as a lump sum bonus .. Since it's based on overall XP earned , then those who heal, repair will also not lose out
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  3. Grendalsh

    Capping is a discrete action - you successfully flip the control point.
    What you're proposing, sounds like a static xp award for Defending the base.. so what conditions would have to be met for this?
    What is Defending? Successfully keeping the opponent from flipping the control point.. It's not a discrete action that can be awarded. The closest is when your faction loses control, but regains it before the attackers fully flip the base. That should earn a static XP reward.

    However, there is a 15% XP bonus while defending a base.
    That's +15%xp for kills, assists, spots, heals, rez, repairs, ammo. Everything.
    During a heavy assault, it's possible to earn more bonus xp for defending than the static 1K xp for capping. Mathematically, it's possible to earn more bonus xp defending a base, per hour, than for capping it. But this assumes a heavy, prolonged assault - like the crown.

    If there's only 3 attackers sneaking around the base, then you might get a couple dozen bonus xp, so there's no incentive to stay and defend a base against ghost cappers. And since most folks don't play to garrison a base against ghostcaps, scouts, and possible invasion.. they go where the fighting is.. hence the constant roll of base caps.

    Hopefully the Mission system can change this by offering an incentive to stay and defend a base, even when there isn't a major force threatening it. Things like "Earn a bonus passive 50 certs/hour while defending your Tech Plant. Certs are only earned while you are AT your Tech Plant. Mission lasts 2 hours or until you lose the Tech Plant." This way players that want to defend a base don't lose out on xp/certs they would otherwise earn for being part of the zerg assault/cap farmfest.
  4. IMTasty

    Like people have said, you already do get a 15% bonus. But I think it could've been shown better.
  5. HadesR

    Well it would be w/e weird formula they use for the Battle status ... I say weird because you can TAB mid fight and the status will show battle ended :p
  6. Epoch/Eep

    You did not so long ago but they removed it.
    I think people were trading captures/defence making it tick pretty quickly.

    Personally it needs to be back in game imo or increase the kill bonus.
  7. daicon

    Man people just can't get past that disappointment they see when it flashes their empire logo and says "BASE DEFENDED" and they don't get a phat XP check.

    You just need to wrap your head around passive XP bonuses for defending. In alot of cases it actually gives alot more than attacking + you get the benefit of safely spawning in.
  8. Brewergamer

    Yea, like imagine you finally beat back an assault on the crown after hours of fighting and boom.. no xp whatsoever. You then proceed to climb to the very top of the crown, and jump off.
  9. Tasogie

    many people only know farming an rewards in an FPS, they dont or wont understand playing for the fun of it. If there isnt a shiny reward on offer they wont touch it. (todays generation of gamers). Others love base defense because it funnily, pays more than attacking a base. Not that you can ever explain that to them.
    I have possibly 3x more base defenses than I do attacks, an will always get into those.
  10. Hunter_Killers

    More often then not you are going to get far less XP.

    It also completely kills the purpose of actually retaking a base. You get to sit there re-securing it for nothing so someone can't instantly ghost cap it.

    The game is designed around rewards, deal with it.
  11. Brewergamer

    Imo it really needs to be added back into the game. It would make base assaults/defends more fun, because right now as soon as a team see's they are losing they just leave and then recapture it later when no one is there. With giving a reward for defending you'd most likely fix all that.
  12. daicon

    So in other words reward players for sitting on an empty base doing nothing?

    It sounds like the problem comes from ghost-capping according to you.

    If you've cleared out a base then you should move on to the next objective not waiting for a bar to top off over and over again

    Whoa guys! We got the king of PS2 here telling us to deal with it!
  13. Tasogie

    oh I have to deal with it do I? I ma not one crying about it. Base defense pays far more than attacking. this is a fact an one obviously you wont understand because it would trash your whole argument if you actually admitted it. I would do 50 base defenses, over 50 attacks anyway of week. because A its a hell of alot more fun. an B, it pays stupidly well.
  14. MasterCheef

    i think there should be an extra "defense xp" ding when killing someone. That extra ding may make defending a bot more addicting.
  15. RobotNinja

    They gave XP for successful base defends in beta, but the game would detect pretty much any attack as a full out attack and award defend xp bonus for capping a base back to 100%. Instead of doing what was logical and detecting only a certain amount of enemies in an area or the base being neutralized first as condition for rewarding defend bonus xp the devs did the only half-***** thing they could to fix it, which was remove it completely.
  16. Hunter_Killers

    Yeah, the problem is ghost capping and that bases are vulnerable immediately after being capped/defended. But you have people defending ghost capping too. Barely anyone will stick around if they don't have a 90% chance of winning. Still not a peep from anyone in a position to do anything about it.

    It's also incredibly pointless to walk into a thread stating that you don't care/we should care less about rewards and have your entirely-not-subjective "fun" instead. You know, in a game designed around this sytem in the first place. I have 33% more defenses than I do captures. Keep acting like it would trash my argument somehow.

    The idea that it pays for more only occurs when you are actually going over the breakpoint and the attackers don't run off elsewhere.

    To top it off you are likely one of those players that lives on Indar so wouldn't understand balance around smaller battles.
  17. SDD

    I think it might be interesting to distribute a nice block of XP every time your team gets X defense kills at a base. The amount of XP and kills required for "payout" could start low (50xp for 10 kills?), but ramp up (250xp for every 100 kills?) as the battle keeps raging. Obviously there would need to be some kind of "participation" requirement so people aren't standing around in the spawn room as everyone else is racking up the kills.
  18. Grendalsh

    The first argument is circular logic. Because no-one defends bases, there's never a defense force when the assault occurs. Because there's no defense, bases get ghostcapped. Since there's no-one around to contest the cap, the cappers leave. Rinse and repeat.

    The break to this is enough players CHOOSE to defend. An assault rolls in, and gets rebuffed. The defenders then brag about how much bonus xp they earned and how much fun they had on the forums. They post videos of successfully defending a base against an assault. Zerg players see that defending a base is profitable. After a capture, they see other players staying to prep defenses, so they stay.

    Once this happens, grunts will start seeing that there's fights and xp to be earned in Defending. Once they learn that, not only is there a reward for the action, but it's a supported action.. they'll have a reason to choose it. Right now, there's no support, so no reason to engage in the activity to learn that it has a reward.

    This is a true METAgame issue - a solution is in how players decide to deal with the situation.
  19. bodmans

    so youre saying when i defended a base at the brick of being capped i was doing wrong? did i have to give that TR bastard the possibility to spawn on site in a protected enviroment instead of his sundy? no. i blew up the sundy, killed him and capped it back right before it would be theirs... yay bonus defense exp...
  20. Hunter_Killers

    This is exactly the problem. The current bonus only promotes not shutting down an assault as fast as possible.

    I think you need to re-word defense with FARM FARM FARM. Defending isn't letting them run rampant from a nearby capturable/destroyable spawn point.